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How do I push my new item without creating new mongoose item


I want to append or push my new items that I input in the array without creating new mongoose schema..what I mean is that I will only push items without creating new _id...Here is my code..

For mongoose.Schema()

const mainSchema = new Schema({

And for the routes that will post my items..

router.route('/item/1').post((req,res) => {

    const { likes, people } = req.body

    const FirstItem = Main({
        // people


        .then(likes => res.json('New User Added'))
        .catch(err => res.status(400).json('Error :'   err))


As you see I didn't input new Main({}) in my post because I don't wanna create a new _id..but I want to push my items in my array whenever I create another new items....This is how I write it in postman..


Now if I changed something after posting this in my POST method. like "key":"testetsee","name":"123123123" it will give me an error like this ... "Error :ValidationError: people.0._id: Cast to ObjectId failed for value \"[ { key: 'Tes22t', name: 'Tit213an' } ]\" (type Array) at path \"_id\""

I think my problem here is pushing the item? or the post? or do I just need to update it?

CodePudding user response:

If you only want push an element into people array of that object, you should use updateOne() instead of save()

So the code will like

router.route('/item/1').post((req,res) => {

    const { likes, people } = req.body

    const model = mongoose.model('collection_name', mainSchema);

    model.updateOne({like}, {$addToSet: { people: {$each: people} }})
        .then(likes => res.json('New User Added'))
        .catch(err => res.status(400).json('Error :'   err))

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