I've created a script that takes new user data from a CSV file and connects to AzureAd and ExchangeOnline to create their AzureAD account, assigns them an Office license (not shown), and updates their Mailbox Office
CSV headers are Name, Department, OfficeLocation. The CSV used to contain a Domain and Company header. I removed those headers and added an if
statement to provide the logic to set those variables within the script. Prior to this addition, the script worked without any issues.
Now, the $company
and $domain
values are only updating for $main_offices
and $corporate_offices
Contoso and @contoso.com even when the OfficeLocation value is San Francisco or Austin and those values should be West/South Acme and west/south.acme.com.
Why are my $company
and $domain
values not being updated within the ForEach-Object
loop as it iterates through the CSV? I confirmed that $company
and $domain
update properly when not reading in CSV data with ForEach-Object
$new_users = Import-Csv -Path .\new-users.csv
$main_offices = 'New York','Los Angeles','Houston','Atlanta','Chicago'
$corporate_offices = 'Corporate Office (NY)','Corporate Office (LA)'
$west_office = 'San Francisco'
$south_office = 'Austin'
$new_users | ForEach-Object {
$first, $last = $_.Name.Split()
$mailnickname = $(($first.Substring(0,1) $last).ToLower())
$password_profile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile
$password_profile.Password = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
$password_profile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = $false
$off_loc = $_.OfficeLocation
if ($off_loc -in $main_offices -or $corporate_offices) {
$company = 'Contoso'
$domain = '@contoso.com'
} elseif ($off_loc -eq $west_office) {
$company = 'West Acme'
$domain = '@west.acme.com'
} elseif ($off_loc -eq $south_office) {
$company = 'South Acme'
$domain = '@south.acme.com'
} else { $off_loc = Read-Host 'Type an office location' } #CSV OfficeLocation field either missing or has a spelling error
$attr_new_user = @{
AccountEnabled = $true
CompanyName = $company
Department = $_.Department
DisplayName = $_.Name
GivenName = $first
MailNickname = $mailnickname
PasswordProfile = $password_profile
Surname = $last
UsageLocation = 'US'
UserPrincipalName = $mailnickname $domain
try {
Write-Host ('>> Creating account for ' $attr_new_user.DisplayName) -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-AzureADUser @attr_new_user | Out-Null
$user_upn = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $attr_new_user.UserPrincipalName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserPrincipalName
Write-Host ('>> ' $user_upn ' has been created') -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Host ('>> Something went wrong') -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Warning $Error[0]
try {
Write-Host ('>> Adding email alias: ' $alternate_email ' and office: ' $off_loc ' to ' $user_upn) -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Mailbox -Identity $user_upn -EmailAddresses @{ add = $alternate_email } -Office $off_loc
Write-Host ('>> Email Alias: ' $alternate_email ' and office: ' $off_loc ' added to ' $user_upn) -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
Write-Host ('>> Something went wrong') -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Warning $Error[0]
I've run the script and the $off_loc
value is being inputted correctly in the Office
field of the Mailbox settings. Which is why I am having trouble understanding how to get this information to create the user with the correct the $company
and $domain
Any insight into a solution to this issue is appreciated, thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
CodePudding user response:
Per @SantiagoSquarzon:
This condition $off_loc -in $main_offices -or $corporate_offices will always be $true because $corporate_offices is not $null or empty string. It should be $off_loc -in $main_offices -or $off_loc -in $corporate_offices
Confirmed this resolved the issue.