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The background data processing timeout, convert almost 2 minute


Public List GetKPIReport
(bool? PurchaseStatus List Both facs, List The status, List Types, string searchKey, string startDate, string endDate)
Using (SRMDatabaseEntities entity=new SRMDatabaseEntities ())
DateTime start=string. IsNullOrEmpty (startDate)? DateTime. MinValue: Convert. ToDateTime (startDate);
DateTime end=string. IsNullOrEmpty (endDate)? DateTime. MaxValue: Convert. ToDateTime (endDate);

Var model=the from p in the entity. KPISupplierReport
Join the q in the entity. SupplierInfoReport on p. upplierCode equals q.S upplierCode
The join j in the entity SystemUser on p.C reatedUser. The ToUpper () equals j.U serId. The ToUpper () into temp
The from k in temp. DefaultIfEmpty ()
Status. The Contains (p. tatus)
& & Both facs. The Contains (p.F actoryCode)
& & Types. The Contains (p.R eportCycle)
& & (purchaseStatus==null | | q.P urchaseStatus==purchaseStatus)
& & (p.C reatedDate & gt; Start & amp; & P.C reatedDate & lt; End)
& &
(string) IsNullOrEmpty (searchKey)
| | p. upplierCode. The Contains (searchKey)
| | p. upplierName. The Contains (searchKey)
| | p.R eportNumber. The Contains (searchKey)
| | k.U serName. The Contains (searchKey)
| | p.C reatedUser. The Contains (searchKey)
| | p.R eportName. The Contains (searchKey)
Orderby p.I d item first-just
Select new
Q.P urchaseStatus,
P.I d,
P.A pprovalStatus,
P.C reatedDate,
K.U serName,
P.F actoryCode,
P.F actoryName,
P.F eedbackDate,
P.K PIMonthEnd,
P.K PIMonthStart,
P.K PIYear,
P. aterielCode,
P.R eportCycle,
P.R eportName,
P.R eportNumber,
P. core,
P. endDate,
P. tatus,
P. upplierCode,
P. upplierName

Var modelList=model. ToList ();
Var numberList=modelList. Select (I=& gt; I.R eportNumber). ToList ();
Var itemList=entity. KPISupplierItem. Where (I=& gt; NumberList. The Contains (i.R eportNumber)). ToList ();
//the above section access are quickly, is this part must carry on the transformation,
//write the detail in the corresponding column at the end of the line, test with 10000 records, this is about a 2 minute foreach,
//in addition to modify the timeout time constraints, there another way?
List ReportList=new List (a);
KPISupplierReportShow rshow;
List TempItemList;
KPISupplierItem tempItem;
The foreach (var kpi in modelList)
Rshow=new KPISupplierReportShow ()
PurchaseStatus=kpi. PurchaseStatus? "Activate", "suspend",
ApprovalStatus=EnumHelper. GetEnumDescription (EnumHelper. GetEnum (kpis. ApprovalStatus)),
CreatedDate=kpi. CreatedDate. ToString (" yyyy - MM - dd "),
CreatedUser=kpi. The UserName,
FactoryCode=kpi FactoryCode,
FactoryName=kpi FactoryName,
FeedbackDate=kpi FeedbackDate,
Id=kpi. Id,
KPIMonthEnd=kpi KPIMonthEnd,
KPIMonthStart=kpi KPIMonthStart,
KPIYear=kpi KPIYear,
MaterielCode=kpi MaterielCode,
ReportCycle=kpi ReportCycle,
ReportName=kpi ReportName,
ReportNumber=kpi ReportNumber,
Score=kpi Score,
SendDate=kpi SendDate,
Status=EnumHelper. GetEnumDescription (EnumHelper. GetEnum (kpi) Status),
SupplierCode=kpi SupplierCode,
SupplierName=kpi. SupplierName

TempItemList=itemList. Where (t=& gt; T.R eportNumber==kpi. ReportNumber). ToList ();
TempItem=tempItemList. FirstOrDefault (t=& gt; T.T itle. The Contains (KPISupplierReportShow. Key1));
If (tempItem!=null)
Rshow. Penalty1=0 - (tempItem TargetScore - (tempItem. Score. HasValue? TempItem. Score. Value: 0));
Rshow. PenaltyRemark1=tempItem. "Reason;
TempItem=tempItemList. FirstOrDefault (t=& gt; T.T itle. The Contains (KPISupplierReportShow. Key2));
If (tempItem!=null)
Rshow. Penalty2=0 - (tempItem TargetScore - (tempItem. Score. HasValue? TempItem. Score. Value: 0));
Rshow. PenaltyRemark2=tempItem. "Reason;
TempItem=tempItemList. FirstOrDefault (t=& gt; T.T itle. The Contains (KPISupplierReportShow. Key3));
If (tempItem!=null)
Rshow. Penalty3=0 - (tempItem TargetScore - (tempItem. Score. HasValue? TempItem. Score. Value: 0));
Rshow. PenaltyRemark3=tempItem. "Reason;
//additional freight
TempItem=tempItemList. FirstOrDefault (t=& gt; T.T itle. The Contains (KPISupplierReportShow. Key4));
If (tempItem!=null)
Rshow. Penalty4=0 - (tempItem TargetScore - (tempItem. Score. HasValue? TempItem. Score. Value: 0));
Rshow. PenaltyRemark4=tempItem. "Reason;
TempItem=tempItemList. FirstOrDefault (t=& gt; T.T itle. The Contains (KPISupplierReportShow. Key5));
If (tempItem!=null)
Rshow. Penalty5=0 - (tempItem TargetScore - (tempItem. Score. HasValue? TempItem. Score. Value: 0));
Rshow. PenaltyRemark5=tempItem. "Reason;
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