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Split JSON string column to multiple columns without schema - PySpark


I have a delta table which has a column with JSON data. I do not have a schema for it and need a way to convert the JSON data into columns

|id | json_data
| 1 | {"name":"abc", "depts":["dep01", "dep02"]}
| 2 | {"name":"xyz", "depts":["dep03"],"sal":100}
| 3 | {"name":"pqr", "depts":["dep02"], "address":{"city":"SF"}}

Expected output

|id | name    | depts              | sal | address_city 
| 1 | "abc"   | ["dep01", "dep02"] | null| null         
| 2 | "xyz"   | ["dep03"]          | 100 | null         
| 3 | "pqr"   | ["dep02"]          | null| "SF"        

CodePudding user response:

Input Dataframe -

df = spark.createDataFrame(data = [(1 , """{"name":"abc", "depts":["dep01", "dep02"]}"""), (2 , """{"name":"xyz", "depts":["dep03"],"sal":100}"""), (3 , """{"name":"pqr", "depts":["dep02"], "address":{"city":"SF"}}""")], schema = ["id", "json_data"])

 --- ---------------------------------------------------------- 
|id |json_data                                                 |
 --- ---------------------------------------------------------- 
|1  |{"name":"abc", "depts":["dep01", "dep02"]}                |
|2  |{"name":"xyz", "depts":["dep03"],"sal":100}               |
|3  |{"name":"pqr", "depts":["dep02"], "address":{"city":"SF"}}|
 --- ---------------------------------------------------------- 

Convert json_data column to MapType as below -

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *

df1 = df.withColumn("cols", from_json("json_data", MapType(StringType(), StringType()))).drop("json_data")

 --- ----------------------------------------------------------- 
|id |cols                                                       |
 --- ----------------------------------------------------------- 
|1  |{name -> abc, depts -> ["dep01","dep02"]}                  |
|2  |{name -> xyz, depts -> ["dep03"], sal -> 100}              |
|3  |{name -> pqr, depts -> ["dep02"], address -> {"city":"SF"}}|
 --- ----------------------------------------------------------- 

Now, column cols needs to be exploded as below -

df2 = df1.select("id",explode("cols").alias("col_columns", "col_rows"))

 --- ----------- ----------------- 
|id |col_columns|col_rows         |
 --- ----------- ----------------- 
|1  |name       |abc              |
|1  |depts      |["dep01","dep02"]|
|2  |name       |xyz              |
|2  |depts      |["dep03"]        |
|2  |sal        |100              |
|3  |name       |pqr              |
|3  |depts      |["dep02"]        |
|3  |address    |{"city":"SF"}    |
 --- ----------- ----------------- 

Once, you have col_columns and col_rows as individual columns, all that is needed to do is pivot col_columns and aggregate it using its corresponding first col_rows as below -

df3 = df2.groupBy("id").pivot("col_columns").agg(first("col_rows"))

 --- ------------- ----------------- ---- ---- 
|id |address      |depts            |name|sal |
 --- ------------- ----------------- ---- ---- 
|1  |null         |["dep01","dep02"]|abc |null|
|2  |null         |["dep03"]        |xyz |100 |
|3  |{"city":"SF"}|["dep02"]        |pqr |null|
 --- ------------- ----------------- ---- ---- 

Finally, you again need to repeat the above steps to bring address in structured format as below -

df4 = df3.withColumn("address", from_json("address", MapType(StringType(), StringType())))
df4.select("id", "depts", "name", "sal",explode_outer("address").alias("key", "address_city")).drop("key").show(truncate=False)

 --- ----------------- ---- ---- ------------ 
|id |depts            |name|sal |address_city|
 --- ----------------- ---- ---- ------------ 
|1  |["dep01","dep02"]|abc |null|null        |
|2  |["dep03"]        |xyz |100 |null        |
|3  |["dep02"]        |pqr |null|SF          |
 --- ----------------- ---- ---- ------------ 

CodePudding user response:

In order to solve it you can use split function as code below.

The function takes 2 parameters, the first one is the column itself and the second is the pattern to split the elements from column array.

More information and examples cand be found here:

https://sparkbyexamples.com/pyspark/pyspark-convert-string-to-array-column/#:~:text=PySpark SQL provides split(),and converting it into ArrayType.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df.select(F.split(F.col('depts'), ','))
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