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for loop says object not found


I have a dataset named trainset and I'm trying to use a for loop to iterate through the specific columns and sums the values up, repeating for all rows in the dataset.

I firstly defined a function to return prediction by calculating the total score:

point = 0
m.gwtg = function(Systolic.BP, BUN, Sodium, Age, HR, COPD){
  if (Systolic.BP>=200){
    point = 0
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 190){
    point = 2
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 180){
    point = 4
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 170){
    point = 6
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 160){
    point = 8
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 150){
    point = 9
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 140){
    point = 11
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 130){
    point = 13
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 120){
    point = 15
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 110){
    point = 17
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 100){
    point = 19
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 90){
    point = 21
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 80){
    point = 23
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 70){
    point = 24
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 60){
    point = 26
  }else if (Systolic.BP>= 50){
    point = 28
  if (BUN>=150){
    point = point   28
  }else if (BUN>= 140){
    point = point   27
  }else if (BUN>= 130){
    point = point   25
  }else if (BUN>= 120){
    point = point   23
  }else if (BUN>= 110){
    point = point   21
  }else if (BUN>= 100){
    point = point   19
  }else if (BUN>= 90){
    point = point   17
  }else if (BUN>= 80){
    point = point   15
  }else if (BUN>= 70){
    point = point   13
  }else if (BUN>= 60){
    point = point   11
  }else if (BUN>= 50){
    point = point   9
  }else if (BUN>= 40){
    point = point   8
  }else if (BUN>= 30){
    point = point   6
  }else if (BUN>= 20){
    point = point   4
  }else if (BUN>= 10){
    point = point   2
  }else if (BUN<= 9){
    point = point   0
  if (Sodium>=139){
    point = point   0
  }else if (Sodium>= 137){
    point = point   1
  }else if (Sodium>= 134){
    point = point   2
  }else if (Sodium>= 131){
    point = point   3
  }else if (Sodium<= 130){
    point = point   4
  if (Age>=110){
    point = point   28
  }else if (Age>= 100){
    point = point   25
  }else if (Age>= 90){
    point = point   22
  }else if (Age>= 80){
    point = point   19
  }else if (Age>= 70){
    point = point   17
  }else if (Age>= 60){
    point = point   14
  }else if (Age>= 50){
    point = point   11
  }else if (Age>= 40){
    point = point   8
  }else if (Age>= 30){
    point = point   6
  }else if (Age>= 20){
    point = point   3
  }else if (Age<= 19){
    point = point   0
  if (HR>=105){
    point = point   8
  }else if (HR>= 100){
    point = point   6
  }else if (HR>= 95){
    point = point   5
  }else if (HR>= 90){
    point = point   4
  }else if (HR>= 85){
    point = point   3
  }else if (HR>= 80){
    point = point   1
  }else if (HR<= 79){
    point = point   0
  if (COPD == 1){
    point = point  2
  } else {
    point = point 0
  if (point < 79){
    outcome = 0
  } else {
    outcome = 1

Then I tried to code a for loop, which looks like this :

for (i in 1:nrow(trainset)) {
  Systolic.BP[i] <- trainset$`Systolic blood pressure`[i]
  BUN[i] <- trainset$`Urea nitrogen`[i]
  Sodium[i]  <- trainset$`Blood sodium`[i]
  Age[i]  <- trainset$age[i]
  HR[i]  <- trainset$`heart rate`[i]
  COPD[i]  <- trainset$COPD[i]
  outcome.pred.gwtg[i]= m.gwtg(Systolic.BP[i], BUN[i], Sodium[i], Age[i], HR[i], COPD[i])

But when I actually got an error: Error: object 'Systolic.BP' not found

I'm actually quite confused on how to code a for loop to loop through the rows and columns. Anyone knows how to solve this problem? Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

The reason you are getting the error is that the first time the loop runs, the line

Systolic.BP[i] <- trainset$`Systolic blood pressure`[i]

Tries to write the first entry of trainset$'Systolic blood pressure' into the first position of a vector called Systolic.BP. But this vector doesn't exist yet.

If you are using the subsetting operator [, you need to have the vector already defined. For example, I get an error if I do:

for(i in 1:10) {
   x[i] <- i
#> Error: object 'x' not found

This is because x doesn't exist when I try to write to its first position. The correct way to do this loop would be

x <- numeric(10)
for(i in 1:10) {
   x[i] <- i
#> [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

It's not clear to me why you need to write each variable separately for passing to the function inside the loop anyway - you could just do:

outcome.pred.gwtg <- numeric(nrow(trainset))

for (i in 1:nrow(trainset)) {
  outcome.pred.gwtg[i] <- m.gwtg(trainset$`Systolic blood pressure`[i], 
                                 trainset$`Urea nitrogen`[i],
                                 trainset$`Blood sodium`[i],
                                 trainset$`heart rate`[i],

Another option, since you are only using the new variable names inside the loop, is to do:

outcome.pred.gwtg <- numeric(nrow(trainset))

for (i in 1:nrow(trainset)) {
  Systolic.BP <- trainset$`Systolic blood pressure`[i]
  BUN         <- trainset$`Urea nitrogen`[i]
  Sodium      <- trainset$`Blood sodium`[i]
  Age         <- trainset$age[i]
  HR          <- trainset$`heart rate`[i]
  COPD        <- trainset$COPD[i]
  outcome.pred.gwtg[i]= m.gwtg(Systolic.BP, BUN, Sodium, Age, HR, COPD)

Also, note that there's no point in filling vectors this way in the first place. You can do it outside the loop:

Systolic.BP <- trainset$`Systolic blood pressure`
BUN         <- trainset$`Urea nitrogen`
Sodium      <- trainset$`Blood sodium`
Age         <- trainset$age
HR          <- trainset$`heart rate`
COPD        <- trainset$COPD

outcome.pred.gwtg <- numeric(nrow(trainset))

for (i in 1:nrow(trainset)) {
outcome.pred.gwtg[i]= m.gwtg(Systolic.BP[i], BUN[i], Sodium[i], Age[i], HR[i], COPD[i])

CodePudding user response:

Your function m.gwtg(...) can't find the i'th vector element Systolic.BP[i] because you apparently haven't created the vector Systolic.BP itself before. Anyhow: you're working with a data.frame ("trainset"), and there's a couple of more efficient ways to do this in R.

Example (using dplyr):


trainset %>%
    Systolic.BP = `Systolic blood pressure`,
    ## other renaming instructions
    ## of the form new_name = old_name ...
    HR = `heart rate`
  ) %>%
  rowwise %>%
    outcome.pred.gwtg = m.gwtg(Systolic.BP,
                               ## other renamed predictors ...

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