Home > Net > With strange namespace in the XML file, read and write methods
With strange namespace in the XML file, read and write methods
This how to read and write XML documents with namespaces, the inside of the each group need to read the inside of the body & value of target, please give directions fan classics expert, <? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> UEsDBBQAAAAIAE0yO1FxGkqDDCUAANovAAARAAAAdHljMGNzanMuY2tlLmRvY3jtemVwHEnWbYtl
WordprocessingML v. 2 & lt;/SDL: filetype - id>
<body> I am SDLXLIFF file, & lt;/source> <& mtype="seg" mid="1" & gt; I am SDLXLIFF file, & lt;/mrk>
<& mtype="seg" mid="1" & gt; I am a sdlxliff file. & lt;/mrk>
Whether can normal analytical SDLXLIFF file, & lt;/source> <& mtype="seg" mid="2" & gt; Whether can normal analytical SDLXLIFF file, & lt;/mrk>
<& mtype="seg" mid="2" & gt; Been the sdlxliff file can be parsed normally. & lt;/mrk>