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Run batch script resized


I made a simple batch script with two diff options, it kinda annoys me that it covers my whole screen although there are 2 lines visible. It would be cool if someone teaches me how to edit the script so that it opens in a smaller (resized window). This is my current script:

@echo off
title Changing Configs..
echo 1 = trade time
echo 2 = grind time
set /p ibo=
if %ibo% == 1 goto trade
if %ibo% == 2 goto grind

ren "config.yml" "config - nakano.yml"
ren "config - senpai.yml" "config.yml"

ren "config.yml" "config - senpai.yml"
ren "config - nakano.yml" "config.yml"

enter image description here

The resulting icon can be moved to the desktop or pinned to the taskbar by dragging to the taskbar.

Or instead, you could rewrite your code so it doesn't ask any questions and just does the job. If you only have 2 choices, why not check which is current, change to the other, and report which one is now the current option?

The following code:

  1. Verifies that copies of both the senpai and nakano configs exist before making any changes.
  2. Checks if the file "Nakano.Active" exist, if so then it does the code to switch to senpai, else it assumes senpai is active and does the code to switch to nakano.
  3. Replaces the current "config.yml" file with the desired configuration.
  4. Deletes the current "{Mode}.Active" file, "Nakano.Active" or "Senpai.Active", as needed.
  5. Creates a new Active file, or flag, to indicate the current mode. That is , creates "Senpai.Active" or "Nakano.Active", as needed.
  6. Echos/reports out what mode it just switch to.
  7. Waits for 2.25 seconds, giving you the time to see what mode it switched to. Change the 225 to the number of centiseconds you want the code to wait before continuing.
  8. Executes EXIT which closes the window.
    IF NOT EXIST "config - senpai.yml" GOTO :DoExit
    IF NOT EXIST "config - nakano.yml" GOTO :DoExit
    IF EXIST Nakano.Active (
        COPY /Y "config - senpai.yml" "config.yml" >NUL
        DEL Nakano.Active 2>NUL
        ECHO;Senpai >Senpai.Active
        ECHO;Senpai Mode
    ) ELSE (
        COPY /Y "config - nakano.yml" "config.yml" >NUL
        DEL Senpai.Active 2>NUL
        ECHO;Nakano >Nakano.Active
        ECHO;Nakano Mode
    REM Pause for 2.25 seconds
    SET Centiseconds=225
    SET "NOWTIME=%TIME:00.=%"
    FOR /F "TOKENS=1-3 DELIMS=:" %%G IN ("%NOWTIME::0=:%") DO SET /A "StartCentiseconds=(%%G*60 %%H)*6000 %%I"
    SET /A EndCentiseconds=StartCentiseconds Centiseconds
    SET "NOWTIME=%TIME:00.=%"
    FOR /F "TOKENS=1-3 DELIMS=:" %%G IN ("%NOWTIME::0=:%") DO SET /A "NowCentiseconds=(%%G*60 %%H)*6000 %%I"
    IF %NowCentiseconds% LSS %StartCentiseconds% SET /A NowCentiseconds=NowCentiseconds 8640000
    IF %NowCentiseconds% LSS %EndCentiseconds% GOTO :GetNow

CodePudding user response:

As per comments simply add mode 40,10 or similar at start of file

enter image description here

@echo off & mode 40,10
title Changing Configs..
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