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using powershell inside batch file to add floating numbers from text file


i have a text file logging timestamps from ffprobe on video durations of some video files, which that text file looks like this:

5.056000 ....

I am trying to add these up, since batch files do not allow for floating numbers i chose to use powershell. here is my following code:

set total=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in (timestamps.txt) do (
    set item=%%x    
    echo !item!
    for /f  "delims=." %%i in ('powershell %total%   %item%') DO SET total=%%i      
    echo %total%    

but again it seems cause it is a floating number i am unable to do something like

 SET /a total=%total%   %total%

so that i can not add that as a variable in this line:

 powershell %total%   %item%

I have tried every combo i can think of with no luck, lots of searches and nothing comes back.

any idea how to do this or is there a better way to add up all these in pure batch ?

CodePudding user response:

so this is what i came up with, not as elegant as it possibly can be BUT it is working. Wish it was a bit quicker but PowerShell slows things down a bit but definitely worth it!

its crazy to think when doing dos they never thought of using floating numbers, lol

anyways here is code:

set seconds=0
set item=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%t in (%filename%_copy_two%fileextension%) do (
        set item=%%t
        for /f %%i in ('powershell !item! !seconds!') do (set seconds=%%i) 
for /f %%i in ('powershell -NoP "[Math]::Round(!seconds!/ 60,2)"')  do (set minutes=%%i) 

set HH=00
for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%r in ('echo %minutes%') do set min=%%r
for /f "tokens=2 delims=." %%p in ('echo %minutes%') do set sec=%%p

IF %sec% GTR 60 (
    set /a newSec=!sec!-60
    if !newSec! lss 10 set newSec=0!newSec!
    set /a newMin=1   !min!
    if !newMin! lss 10 set newMin=0!newMin!
) else (
    set /a newMin=!min!
    set /a newSec=!sec!

IF %newMin% LSS 60 (
    if !newMin! lss 10 set newMin=0!newMin!
    set MM=!newMin!
    if !newSec! lss 10 set newSec=0!newSec!
    set SS=!newSec!
    GOTO playlistTotal  

IF %newMin% GEQ 60 IF %newMin% LSS 120 (
    set /a MM=!newMin!-60
    if !MM! lss 10 set MM=0!MM!
    set /a HH=01
    set SS=!newSec!
    GOTO playlistTotal  

IF %newMin% GEQ 120 IF %newMin% LSS 180 (
    set /a MM=!newMin!-120
    if !MM! lss 10 set MM=0!MM! 
    set /a HH=02
    set SS=!newSec!
    GOTO playlistTotal

IF %newMin% GEQ 120 IF %newMin% LSS 240 (
    set /a MM=!newMin!-180
    if !MM! lss 10 set MM=0!MM!
    set /a HH=03    
    set SS=!newSec!
    GOTO playlistTotal

IF !newMin! EQU 240 (
    set /a MM=!newMin!-240
    if !MM! lss 10 set MM=0!MM!
    set /a HH=04    
    set SS=!newSec! 
    GOTO playlistTotal  

IF %newMin% Gtr 240 (
    ECHO  We do not suggest a single playlist over 4 hours.
    echo  Please Go back edit your list to be shorter.
    ECHO  And just append to it
    del %filename%_copy%fileextension%
    del %filename%_copy_two%fileextension%
    GOTO editPlaylist

del %filename%_copy%fileextension%
del %filename%_copy_two%fileextension% 
Echo Playlist a total duration of = !HH!:!MM!:!SS!

IF !newMin! EQU 240 (
    set /a MM=!newMin!-240
    if !MM! lss 10 set MM=0!MM!
    set /a HH=04    
    set SS=!newSec! 
    GOTO playlistTotal  

IF %newMin% Gtr 240 (
    ECHO  We do not suggest a single playlist over 4 hours.
    echo  Please Go back edit your list to be shorter.
    ECHO  And just append to it
    del %filename%_copy%fileextension%
    del %filename%_copy_two%fileextension%
    GOTO editPlaylist

del %filename%_copy%fileextension%
del %filename%_copy_two%fileextension% 
Echo Playlist has a total duration of= !HH!:!MM!:!SS!

I hope this helps someone out! kind of stinks i cant ask a question for 6 months for this question considering there is NOT solution that I can find that met me OP

And once again I posted my solution after a question which I try to do every time, have a great day!

CodePudding user response:

a pure Powershell solution would have been much simpler, but seeing as you require batch-file with powershell:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & set nums=
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%x in ("timestamps.txt") do set nums=!nums!%%x 
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('powershell %nums:~0,-1%') do set "total=%%i"
echo Total: %total%

We just append all the numbers with the operator to a variable, then pass that variable to powershell and get the result. Note! delayedexpansion is needed because we are setting

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