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Winform Excel2007 export data


The great spirit consult Winform Excel2007 export data connection can customize the title of that kind of code

CodePudding user response:

NPOI, can set the font, color, size

CodePudding user response:

Use Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0 drivers

CodePudding user response:

Need to download and install Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB.
12.0 driver

Excel spreadsheet data read///"'

///"' & lt;/summary>

///"' & lt; Param name="strExcelFilePath & gt;" Excel file & lt;/param>

///"' & lt; Param name="SheetName & gt;" The workspace table name & lt;/param>

///"' & lt; Param name="SqlString & gt;" SQL query & lt;/param>

///"' & lt; Param name="lpDataTable & gt;" Return a list of (DataTable) data & lt;/param>

///"' & lt; Param name="bRowTitle & gt;" Whether the first line of the title field name & lt;/param>

///"' & lt; returns>
Public bool GetExcelTable (string strExcelFilePath, string SheetName, string SqlString, ref DataTable lpDataTable, bool bRowTitle)
Bool bFlag=true;
//note: due to Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0 driver is 32 bit, so the compiler options must check the "preferred 32", otherwise an error: not registered on the local computer "Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0" provider
//String strConnString="Provider=Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0; Data Source="& amp; StrExcelFilePath & amp; "; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0; HDR=YES '";
String strConnString="";
If (bRowTitle)
//the first behavior title field name
StrConnString="Provider=Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0. Data Source="+ strExcelFilePath +"; Extended Properties='Excel 12.0; HDR=YES '";
The else
//the field name to: F1, F2, F3...
StrConnString="Provider=Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0. Data Source="+ strExcelFilePath +"; Extended Properties='Excel 12.0; HDR=No '";
Using (OleDbConnection connection=new OleDbConnection (strConnString))
Connection. The Open ();
The DataSet ds=null/* TODO Change to default (_) if this is not a reference type */.
String mSQL=SqlString;
OleDbDataAdapter odda=new OleDbDataAdapter (mSQL, connection);
Ds=new DataSet ();
Odda. The Fill (ds, SheetName);
LpDataTable=ds. Tables (0);

Connection. The Close ();
Odda. The Dispose ();
Ds. The Dispose ();
The catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox. Show (ex. The Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons. OK, MessageBoxIcon. Error);
Return bFlag;

Private void button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
The DataTable dt.
String mSql="select * from work [table name $]".
Bool bVal=GetExcelTable (" D: \ Text XSL, "" work table name," mSql, ref dt, true);
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