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Spring Boot. 500 error after PostMapping Controller return statement


I have simple code for 2 controllers

public String createUserPost(@PathVariable("id") int id, ModelMap modelMap) {
    modelMap.addAttribute("person", personDao.getPersonById(id));
    modelMap.addAttribute("userDB", personDao.getUsrById(id));
    modelMap.addAttribute("webPost", new WebPost());
    return "people/createPost";

public String postUserPost(@ModelAttribute("webPost") @Valid WebPost webPost, BindingResult bindingResult,
                           @PathVariable("id") int id) {
    if (bindingResult.hasErrors())
        return "people/{id}/createPost";
    webPost.setData_pub(new Date());
    return  "redirect:/people/{id}"; //"people/test";

When I launch it in browser (localhost:8080/people/0/createPost), the first controller works well. When I submit empty Form and bindingResult.hasErrors()==true (in second Controller), it forwards in the Browser to localhost:8080/people/0 instead of to the same page and gets 500 error. If I fill out the Form, it is also redirected to localhost:8080/people/0 and also gives an error 500.

Controller, where it redirects

    public String showBlog (@PathVariable ("id") int id, ModelMap modelMap1){ 
        modelMap1.addAttribute("person", personDao.getPersonById(id));
        modelMap1.addAttribute("userDB", personDao.getUsrById(id));
        modelMap1.addAttribute("webPost", new WebPost());
        return ("people/blog");

works well If I update browser by hands on the link localhost:8080/people/0 or go to it from the HTML link. But fails, when redirected to it from PostMapping controller. What's wrong with it?

Project pushed on github: over here is controller, and the form

Upd: IDEA says the wrong return template. What will be correct one?

CodePudding user response:

You can try using a different way for the redirect. Maybe something like this where you use HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect:

    public void handleFoo(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

    public String handleFooBar() {
        return "FooBar!";
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