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Is there a way to seed a key with a value of an array of strings?


I'm trying to seed some data using an external trivia API.

Here's what I have in my seeds.rb file where HTTParty is a gem that parses JSON into a ruby hash:

response = HTTParty.get("THE-API-SITE")
response.each do |trivia|
    triviaHash = {
        category: trivia["category"],
        answer: trivia["correctAnswer"],
        incorrect: trivia["incorrectAnswers"],
        question: trivia["question"],

And here's my schema:

create_table "trivia", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "category"
    t.string "answer"
    t.string "incorrect"
    t.string "question"
    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
    t.string "ids"

Everything works except for the "incorrect" key which should have a value of an array of strings of incorrect answers, but when I seed my data, I get a string of the array of incorrect answers.

What I want:

incorrect: ["Deep Purple", "Feeder", "Uriah Heep"],

What I'm getting:

incorrect: "["Deep Purple", "Feeder", "Uriah Heep"]",

I'm not sure how to get what I want or if it's even possible the way I'm going about it.

CodePudding user response:

Since your column incorrect is of type string, so the data stored in DB will also be a string value.

If your DB supports array data type then you can use that or else I would suggest you to use this in your model.

serialize :incorrect, Array

CodePudding user response:

Change your migration field for "incorrect" from

t.string "incorrect"


t.text :incorrect, array: true, default: []

Also I suggest you to use symbols instead of strings for column names and use t.timestamps that generates created_at and updated_at for you

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