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Java Stream From List<Object[]> to a List<MyDTO>


I have a List<Object[]> where the the Object[] has size 3 and comes from a query. The result of the query is as follows:

| vehicleId                          | modelId | serviceId       |
|93bf3e92-7a37-4e23-836d-eed5a104341f|      214|80a7-ce5640b18879|    
|b4066520-e127-44b7-bcc0-1d1187de559c|      214|80a7-ce5640b18879|
|ae6cb0fe-1501-4311-a2b4-cfb8b4f51ca4|      214|80a7-ce5640b18879|
|cf80ff11-6e23-4c19-8b6d-55d34d131566|      214|80a7-ce5640b18879|

It should be mapped in the List below. The second and last columns will be mapped to modelId and serviceId whilst the first column should become a list of vehicleIds.

I need to map it into a List where MyDTO is as follows:


// constructor    
MyDTO(String modelId, String serviceId, List<String> vehicleIds){...}

String modelId;
String serviceId;
List<String> vehicleIds;

I am trying to figure out how to group by in a stream but nothing seems to come out. That's where I'm blocked...

            .map(objects -> new MyDTO((String) objects[0], (String) objects[1], null));

Can't figure out how to apply a reduce operation that does the job, any help really appreciated!

Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm stuck with Java 8. Thank you all for the great answers.

CodePudding user response:

You can create a nested intermediate map by grouping your data by modelId and then serviceId using groupingBy() and mapping() collectors.

And then create a stream over entry set. And flatten each inner map creating new MyDTO based on every combination of modelId and serviceId.

Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> vehicleIdByModelIdAndServiceId =
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(objects -> (String) objects[1],
            Collectors.groupingBy(objects -> (String) objects[2],
                Collectors.mapping(objects -> (String) objects[0],
List<MyDTO> result = vehicleIdByModelIdAndServiceId.entrySet().stream()
        .flatMap(baseEntry -> baseEntry.getValue().entrySet().stream()
                    .map(entry -> new MyDTO(baseEntry.getKey(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())))

Another option is to use a Map.Entry as a key in the intermediate map and the value will be a list of vehicleId.

List<MyDTO> result = listOfObjectArrays.stream()
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(objects -> Map.entry((String) objects[1], (String) objects[2]),
                Collectors.mapping(objects -> (String) objects[0],
        .map(entry -> new MyDTO(entry.getKey().getKey(),

CodePudding user response:

You could map them all to Strings first and the group by the tuple (modelId, serviceId) and only then map the results of the grouping to the dtos.

List<MyDto> myDtos = queryResult.stream()
    .map(objects -> List.of((String) objects[0], (String) objects[1], (String) objects[2])
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(r -> List.of(r.get(0), r.get(1)))
    .map(entry -> new MyDto(entry.getKey().get(0), entry.getKey().get(1), entry.getValue()))

Instead of the list in the first map I'd use a record named ResultRow, if you are on JDK14 I'd recommend that to increase readability or solve it declaratively instead.

CodePudding user response:

If you don't necessarily need to use stream, you can always use a standard cycle, for example:

Map<String, MyDTO> myDTOs = new HashMap<>();
for(Object[] a : listOfObjectArrays) {
    String key = a[1]   " - "   a[2];
    MyDTO myDTO = myDTOs.get(key);
    if(myDTO == null) {
        List<String> vehicleIds = new ArrayList<>();
        vehicleIds.add((String) a[0]);
        myDTO = new MyDTO((String) a[1], (String) a[2], vehicleIds);
        myDTOs.put(key, myDTO);
    } else {
        myDTO.getVehicleIds().add((String) a[0]);

List<MyDTO> myDTOList = new ArrayList<>(myDTOs.values());

CodePudding user response:

The idea is to

  • Stream Object[] as {String,Long,String}
  • Group By {Object[0],Object[1]}; Collect(Distinct Object[3])
  • Map<{Object[0],Object[1]},List<Object[3]>> --> List<MyDto>

And with a heads-on approach, I can build something like this:

Map<Set<Object[],List<String>> map = myListOfObjArr
     o->new Object [] {o[1],o[2]}, // group by last two only
       o->(String)o[0],  // Collapse the vehicle id's to a list 
       toList()           // Using set to take out duplicate vehicle id's

// Convert the map to a List.
List<Object[]> list = map.entrySet().stream()
  .map(e->new MyDTO(e.getKey()[0],e.getKey()[1],(List)e.getValue())

CodePudding user response:

This needs a Collectors.groupBy() function since you're taking a stream and grouping them together.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

class F {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        var in = List.of(new Object[]{"93bf3e92-7a37-4e23-836d-eed5a104341f", "214", "80a7-ce5640b18879"},
                new Object[]{"b4066520-e127-44b7-bcc0-1d1187de559c", "214", "80a7-ce5640b18879"},
                new Object[]{"b4066520-e127-44b7-bcc0-dddddddddddd", "215", "80a7-ce5640b18879"}

        Map<Key, List<MyDTOOne>> p1 =
                        .map(objs -> new String[]{(String) objs[0], (String) objs[1], (String) objs[2]})
                        .map(objs -> new MyDTOOne(objs[1], objs[2], objs[0]))
                        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(myDTO -> new Key(myDTO.modelId, myDTO.serviceId)));
        List<MyDTO> p2 = p1.entrySet()
                .map(e -> new MyDTO(e.getKey().modelId, e.getKey().serviceId, e.getValue().stream().map(MyDTOOne::vehicleId).toList()))


    static record Key(String modelId, String serviceId) {


    static record MyDTO(String modelId, String serviceId, List<String> vehicleIds) {


    static record MyDTOOne(String modelId, String serviceId, String vehicleId) {




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