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Draw histogram between cluster via R


This is dataset with my variables for analysis.

clys<-structure(list(session_price = c(18824.7664, 35584.4106, 21084.4035, 
9907.5856, 30806.5486, 15788.1279, 10147.7593, 11977.5904, 11734.3553, 
53484.8698, 27788.9949, 11072.0588, 29241.0885, 5676.2372, 14007.0981, 
34964.85, 14668.6735, 9425.9294, 16577.845, 153147.2272), flight_type = c(1.2462, 
1.1691, 1.0601, 1.2909, 1.5488, 1.1279, 1.166, 1.3862, 1.2936, 
1.0195, 1.0451, 1.2904, 1.6684, 1.2786, 1.1358, 1.2958, 1.05, 
1.1522, 1.0561, 1.6795), adults_count = c(1.1793, 1.0821, 1.1156, 
1.2565, 1.2742, 1.2283, 1.3237, 1.1494, 1.2904, 1.3525, 1.0814, 
1.3644, 1.5781, 1.1816, 1.2604, 1.1732, 1.4088, 1.3959, 1.0959, 
1.4726), children_count = c(0.2432, 0.0338, 0.1573, 0.0517, 0.0769, 
0.0365, 0.1494, 0.0408, 0.1177, 0.128, 0.0579, 0.2749, 0.4045, 
0.0823, 0.0943, 0.0677, 0.2088, 0.3009, 0.0817, 0.2353), infants_count = c(0.0152, 
0.0048, 0.0731, 0.0259, 0.0129, 0.0046, 0.0954, 0.014, 0.0141, 
0.0152, 0.0121, 0.0667, 0.0365, 0.0174, 0.0679, 0.0111, 0.0441, 
0.0818, 0.0313, 0.0446), meta_flight_type = c(0.2918, 0.4686, 
0.1425, 0.43, 0.3924, 0.6575, 0.6349, 0.0583, 0.2747, 0.167, 
0.6179, 0.22, 0.5573, 0.2165, 0.3623, 0.6272, 0.3853, 0.1468, 
0.255, 0.4604), flight_kind = c(0.4528, 0.1379, 3.6497, 0.2331, 
0.3969, 0.1519, 0.098, NA, 0.6111, NA, 0.1086, 0.1061, NA, NA, 
0.8571, 1.3472, NA, 0.0243, 3.3273, 1.1279), service_class_id = c(2, 
1.9952, 2, 2, 1.9986, 2, 2, 1.9977, 2, 1.9913, 1.9968, 1.9985, 
1.9983, 2, 2, 1.9994, 2, 1.9979, 1.9986, 1.9939), UI_profit = c(249.9766, 
210.7159, 121.1932, 46.7757, 202.5403, 58.3467, 35.375, 0, 63.4536, 
0, 116.4613, 41.2356, 0, 0, 72.0427, 131.8692, 0, 24.3831, 75.1906, 
53), leg_price = c(9807.4805, 23253.6651, 15805.3328, 6148.6305, 
15574.0215, 11339.653, 5964.4419, 7846.2151, 6910.2812, 35607.4389, 
23953.2572, 5411.9416, 9544.5809, 3568.1491, 9463.4491, 23276.3196, 
8357.9574, 4977.6056, 13331.1196, 54673.0944), flight_duration_min = c(307.2136, 
269.9225, 439.2894, 143.2841, 197.8477, 110.2875, 114.3542, NA, 
173.47, NA, 236.4197, 160.9437, NA, NA, 216.9208, 624.4288, NA, 
162.4991, 190.5408, 776.6839), trip_duration_min = c(504.257, 
531.7625, 967.9167, 261.4497, 265.9794, 138.0625, 163.9792, NA, 
325.6778, NA, 459.6784, 166.7464, NA, NA, 462.5097, 949.2419, 
NA, 162.6241, 478.7249, 1346.6982), price_duration_min = c(27.8457, 
78.404, 35.9824, 38.95, 56.0142, 102.8833, 49.24, NA, 33.841, 
NA, 96.4814, 29.3607, NA, NA, 43.4476, 33.1768, NA, 28.893, 76.8556, 
45.4329), days_to_flight = c(27.8068, 23.0823, 23.7821, 12.4188, 
26.8415, 19.6586, 24.6713, 16.6704, 13.9125, 10.1796, 13.2141, 
18.1858, 119.3786, 12.5782, 20.3807, 31.856, 37.4516, 6.9034, 
21.6605, 43.7275), days_RT = c(12.8218, 8.904, 23.2507, 4.585, 
8.5987, 13.0174, 7.6805, 6.4065, 4.219, 19.984, 11.874, 8.8732, 
14.4032, 4.9503, 11.9996, 12.5172, 4.9677, 8.0309, 12.8996, 15.5516
), mobile_share = c(0.538, 0.5845, 0.7576, 0.5409, 0.5279, 0.6119, 
0.6017, 0.5344, 0.5133, 0.7007, 0.7336, 0.7531, 0.5156, 0.6429, 
0.7208, 0.6033, 0.7118, 0.8446, 0.6328, 0.6268), desktop_share = c(0.4559, 
0.4155, 0.2424, 0.3556, 0.4687, 0.3881, 0.3983, 0.4656, 0.4757, 
0.2993, 0.2626, 0.2382, 0.4844, 0.3571, 0.2792, 0.3924, 0.2882, 
0.1519, 0.3643, 0.3732), iphone_share = c(0.2128, 0.2947, 0.1443, 
0.3103, 0.3459, 0.3379, 0.1618, 0.2882, 0.2308, 0.4707, 0.2606, 
0.4327, 0.1892, 0.277, 0.2453, 0.2805, 0.1853, 0.478, 0.1882, 
0.3834), android_share = c(0.307, 0.2657, 0.6087, 0.2274, 0.1697, 
0.2694, 0.4274, 0.2322, 0.2779, 0.2115, 0.4685, 0.3165, 0.3177, 
0.361, 0.4755, 0.3196, 0.5176, 0.3668, 0.4432, 0.2414), multi_share = c(0.2888, 
0.0676, 0.8825, 0.1078, 0.0807, 0.0365, 0.1411, 0.0292, 0.2229, 
0.0412, 0.1354, 0.1619, 0.0972, 0.1538, 0.1585, 0.3809, 0.1324, 
0.0902, 0.473, 0.211), CR_session_to_popup = c(0.1185, 0.1159, 
0.0879, 0.2295, 0.1276, 0.2374, 0.1162, 0.1097, 0.1695, 0.1605, 
0.1062, 0.2189, 0.0226, 0.2356, 0.166, 0.1383, 0.1118, 0.2994, 
0.0874, 0.0467), CR_session_to_booking = c(0.1155, 0.1063, 0.0703, 
0.2392, 0.1208, 0.2237, 0.1079, 0.1995, 0.1648, 0.1844, 0.082, 
0.1826, 0.0313, 0.2339, 0.1472, 0.1141, 0.1118, 0.2515, 0.0739, 
0.0548), corr_winter = c(0.2635, 0.1983, 0.2513, 0.1867, 0.106, 
0.4188, 0.0534, 0.1589, 0.2498, 0.4775, 0.4858, 0.3605, 0.0688, 
0.318, 0.3394, 0.223, 0.3281, 0.3985, 0.173, 0.112), corr_spring = c(0.3036, 
0.2772, 0.2602, 0.2209, 0.3627, 0.1332, 0.4484, 0.2793, 0.2526, 
0.506, 0.0814, 0.2088, 0.6824, 0.2407, 0.1407, 0.326, 0.3228, 
0.0654, 0.0897, 0.3196), corr_summer = c(0.2673, 0.1791, 0.258, 
0.2894, 0.2856, 0.099, 0.2358, 0.2793, 0.276, 0.0165, 0.2525, 
0.2087, 0.2488, 0.4413, 0.2477, 0.2744, 0.3491, 0.2917, 0.5926, 
0.0861), corr_autumn = c(0.1656, 0.3454, 0.2304, 0.3029, 0.2458, 
0.349, 0.2625, 0.2826, 0.2216, 0, 0.1803, 0.222, 0, 0, 0.2722, 
0.1766, 0, 0.2444, 0.1447, 0.4823), corr_BL = c(0.4759, 0.5444, 
0.4952, 0.4392, 0.4586, 0.4146, 0.4011, 0.4722, 0.4244, 0.4542, 
0.4742, 0.4467, 0.4652, 0.4293, 0.4412, 0.4423, 0.4811, 0.4583, 
0.496, 0.4882), corr_UP = c(0.5241, 0.4556, 0.5048, 0.5608, 0.5414, 
0.5854, 0.5989, 0.5278, 0.5756, 0.5458, 0.5258, 0.5533, 0.5348, 
0.5707, 0.5588, 0.5577, 0.5189, 0.5417, 0.504, 0.5118), pam_german.clustering = c(1L, 
2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 1L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 6L, 9L, 8L, 9L, 9L, 
8L, 2L, 2L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -20L))

pam_german.clustering is the number of the cluster in which the observation is belong (row) How for all variable from session_price to corr_UP between all clusters to draw a histogram of the distribution of variables? I only learn ggplot2, so can't do it self. But to explain what result i need , i can draw using paint. For session price histogram between cluster enter image description here

Or perhaps you are wanting columns of averages per cluster with an error bar representing the range?


clys %>% 
  group_by(pam_german.clustering) %>%
  summarize(max = max(session_price),
            min = min(session_price),
            session_price = mean(session_price),
            cluster = factor(mean(pam_german.clustering))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = cluster, y = session_price, fill = session_price))  
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max), width = 0.5, size = 0.2)  
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = 7)  
  theme_light(base_size = 16)  
  labs(y = 'Session Price')  
  guides(fill = guide_none())

enter image description here

Certainly, a set of histograms is possible, but really doesn't work very well with this data set due to the lack of data points, and trying to fit too many facets across a single dimension of the plot:

clys %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = session_price))  
  facet_grid(.~pam_german.clustering, scales = 'free_x')  
  theme_light(base_size = 16)

enter image description here

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