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How can I migrate from "float" to "points" in MySQL?


I'm looking for a faster way to calculate Euclidean distances in SQL.

  • Problem I want to solve

The following "Euclidean distance calculation" is slow.

    power(f1 - (-0.09077361), 2)  
    power(f2 - (0.10373443), 2)  
    power(f127 - (0.0778369), 2)  
    power(f128 - (0.00951046), 2)
  ) as distance
  • What I want to know

Can you share how to migrate from "float" to "points"?

I received the following advice, but I don't understand how.

Switch to POINTs and a SPATIAL index. It may be possible your task orders of magnitude faster.

  • MySQL
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%version%';
 -------------------------- ------------------------------ 
| Variable_name            | Value                        |
 -------------------------- ------------------------------ 
| version                  | 8.0.29                       |
| version_comment          | MySQL Community Server - GPL |
| version_compile_machine  | x86_64                       |
| version_compile_os       | Linux                        |
 -------------------------- ------------------------------ 
  • Table
mysql> desc face_feature;
 ------- ------------ ------ ----- --------- ---------------- 
| Field | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
 ------- ------------ ------ ----- --------- ---------------- 
| id    | int        | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| f1    | float(9,8) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| f2    | float(9,8) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| f127  | float(9,8) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| f128  | float(9,8) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
 ------- ------------ ------ ----- --------- ---------------- 
  • Data
mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM face_feature;
| count(*) |
|   100003 |

mysql> SELECT * FROM face_feature LIMIT 1\G;
  id: 1
  f1: -0.07603023
  f2: 0.13605964
  f127: 0.09608927
  f128: 0.00082345
  • Reference (My other question)

How can I make "euclidean distance calculation" faster in MySQL?

CodePudding user response:

  • Don't use FLOAT(M,N) it adds an extra rounding that only hurts various operations.

  • FLOAT(9,8), if the numbers are near "1.0" will lose some precision. This is because there are only 24 bits of precision in any FLOAT.

  • (m,n) on FLOAT and DOUBLE has been deprecated (as useless and misleading) in newer versions of MySQL.

  • There are helper functions to convert numeric strings to POINT values. Internally, a POINT contains two DOUBLEs. Hence the original DECIMAL(9,8) loses only a round-from-decimal-to-binary at the 53rd significant bit.

But the real question is about using SPATIAL indexing when the universe has 128 dimensions. I don't think it will work. (I have not even heard of using SPATIAL for 3 dimensions, though it should be practical.)

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