Field is A field B
A1 B1
There are two biao2 data
Field C D
C1 D1
C2 D2
How to find out the effect
Field A field B C D
A1 B1 C1 D1
A1 B1 C2 D2
CodePudding user response:
See also:
CodePudding user response:
Select biao1. A1, biao1. A2, biao2. Biao2, C1, C2 from biao1 full join biao2 on 1=1CodePudding user response:
Full joinCodePudding user response:
Select * from biao1 biao2;CodePudding user response:
Select biao1. A1, biao1. A2, biao2. Biao2, C1, C2 from biao1, biao2;