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How can i customize Output of My Database for my discord bot?



This is My inventory command sorry, I cant send the image cuz I don't have 10 reputations to do that, here is my code first see the image it will help you guys get a better understanding of what I am asking pardon if it sounds rude

 @app_commands.command(name="inventory", description="check you inventory")
    async def inventory(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:
        await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=False, thinking=True)
        author = interaction.user.id
        lol = await self.bot.db.fetch("SELECT item_info.item_name,user_inventory.count FROM user_inventory INNER JOIN item_info USING(item_id) WHERE  user_inventory.user_id = $1",author)
        await interaction.followup.send(embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{interaction.user.name}'s Inventory ", description=f"{lol}"))       

SO I am making a bot like dank Memer For my discord Server, I am pretty sure you guys have seen the dank memer Inventory command, How beautiful their embed is and the use of emoting But as I have shown you guys an image, my inventory command is kinda messy and ugly and I am getting record but I want to value and count, how can I get them and how can I make embed like dank memer like the amount of space btw 1 item, emotes and everything I am new here so pardon if I asked something that I should not

CodePudding user response:

enter image description here

To the item_name you'd have to do:

element.get("item_name", "no name")

see: https://magicstack.github.io/asyncpg/current/api/index.html?highlight=record#asyncpg.Record
If it does not find item_name it will return the string "no name"

You created an Embed here:

embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{interaction.user.name}'s Inventory ", description=f"{lol}")

However that only has a title and description. If you want to put the item_name and count information into embed you do something like:

embed.add_field(name=element.get("item_name", "no name"), value=element.get("count", "NaN"))

see: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html?highlight=embed#discord.Embed.add_field

so it looks something like:

async def inventory(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:
    await interaction.response.defer(ephemeral=False, thinking=True)
    author = interaction.user.id
    lol = await self.bot.db.fetch("SELECT item_info.item_name,user_inventory.count FROM user_inventory INNER JOIN item_info USING(item_id) WHERE  user_inventory.user_id = $1",author)
    embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{interaction.user.name}'s Inventory ", description="")
    for element in lol:
        embed.add_field(name=element.get("item_name", "no name"), value=element.get("count", "NaN"))
    await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed)       

PS: Code looks really ugly but I'm just basing mine off yours. It is not recommended but I understand you are learning.

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