I have four projects in one solution:
- class libraryApp.Core
- class libraryApp.LambdaOne
- AWS Lambda projectApp.LambdaTwo
- AWS Lambda project
The solution structure looks like this:
- App.Data
- App.Core
- App.LambdaOne
- Dockerfile
- App.LambdaTwo
- Dockerfile
I am trying to create two docker images for App.LambdaOne
and App.LambdaTwo
, so I can deploy them separately.
So far, I have got a simple lambda project without any dependent project works using the Dockfile below.
Docker command in App.LambdaSimple
's directory
docker build -t LambdaSimpleImage .
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/dotnet:6 AS base
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-bullseye-slim as build
COPY ["App.LambdaSimple.csproj", "App.LambdaSimple/"]
RUN dotnet restore "App.LambdaSimple.csproj"
WORKDIR "/src/App.LambdaSimple"
COPY . .
RUN dotnet build "App.LambdaSimple.csproj" --configuration Release --output /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "App.AWSLambdaOne.csproj" \
--configuration Release \
--runtime linux-x64 \
--self-contained false \
--output /app/publish \
FROM base AS final
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
CMD ["App.LambdaSimple::App.LambdaSimple.Function::FunctionHandler"]
But the tricky part is that App.LambdaOne
depend on App.Data
and App.Core
. I tried to modify the working sample to deploy App.LambdaOne
, but no luck so far. By running the same Docker command. Errors occurred, I have added those to the comments
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/dotnet:6 AS base
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-bullseye-slim as build
COPY ["App.AWSLambdaOne.csproj", "App.AWSLambdaOne/"]
#Error: cannot find App.Data.csproj
COPY ["App.Data.csproj", "App.Data/"]
RUN dotnet restore "App.LambdaOne.csproj"
WORKDIR "/src/App.AWSLambdaOne"
COPY . .
RUN dotnet build "App.AWSLambdaOne.csproj" --configuration Release --output /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "App.AWSLambdaOne.csproj" \
--configuration Release \
--runtime linux-x64 \
--self-contained false \
--output /app/publish \
FROM base AS final
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
CMD ["App.AWSLambdaOne::App.AWSLambdaOne.Function::FunctionHandler"]
I can understand why the error occurred, which is due to the Docker Context being under App.AWSLambdaOne. But cannot find any solution to fix it.
A partial solution I found is to have the Dockerfile at the Solution level, so Docker context includes all projects when building it. However, it does not fit my purpose since I want to build two images for different projects.
I have been searching for a clue in the last two days, it is driving me crazy. May I ask if it is possible to achieve what I am after with the existing project structure? If not can anyone please point me to the right direction?
THANKS A LOT in advance!
CodePudding user response:
You can't access host files outside the build context, so you must move the build context up a directory to be able to access the code for the other projects. So to start, let's change the build command to
docker build -t LambdaSimpleImage ..
Now we need to adjust the Dockerfile so it fits the new context
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/dotnet:6 AS base
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-bullseye-slim as build
COPY ["App.LambdaSimple/App.LambdaSimple.csproj", "App.LambdaSimple/"]
COPY ["App.Data/App.Data.csproj", "App.Data/"]
COPY ["App.Core/App.Core.csproj", "App.Core/"]
RUN dotnet restore "App.LambdaSimple/App.LambdaSimple.csproj"
COPY . .
RUN dotnet build "App.LambdaSimple/App.LambdaSimple.csproj" --configuration Release --output /app/build
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "App.LambdaSimple/App.LambdaSimple.csproj" \
--configuration Release \
--runtime linux-x64 \
--self-contained false \
--output /app/publish \
FROM base AS final
WORKDIR /var/task
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
CMD ["App.LambdaSimple::App.LambdaSimple.Function::FunctionHandler"]