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How can I use named group in C# regex switch/case?


I want to write a code that checks if it matches to a regular expression then prints matched string.

I found other question Can I use regex expression in c# with switch case?, but IsMatch method only returns boolean so I couldn't retrieve named group string.

var filepath = @"path/to/file.txt";
foreach (string line File.ReadLines(filepath))
    switch (line)
        case var s when new Regex(@"^(?<UserName>\w ) moved to (?<Position>\w )$").IsMatch(s):
            // I have to know <UserName> and <Position> here.

CodePudding user response:

First, I'd suggest moving the regex construction itself outside the switch block - both for readability and to allow it to be reused.

Then, instead of using IsMatch, use the Match to return a Match, which you'd then check for success (potentially using a C# pattern match). For example:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Program
    private static void Main()
        RunTest("Jon moved to XYZ");
        RunTest("Not a match");

    private static readonly Regex UserMovementRegex = new Regex(@"^(?<UserName>\w ) moved to (?<Position>\w )$");
    private static void RunTest(string line)
        switch (line)
            case string _ when UserMovementRegex.Match(line) is { Success: true } match:
                Console.WriteLine($"UserName: {match.Groups["UserName"]}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Position: {match.Groups["Position"]}");
                Console.WriteLine("No match");

The { Success: true } match part has two purposes:

  • It checks that the match is successful
  • It captures the result in a new match variable that you can use in the body of the case label

CodePudding user response:

You can get the values with Groups:

var regex = new Regex(@"^(?<UserName>\w ) moved to (?<Position>\w )$");
var match = regex.Match(blobContent);
if (match.Success)
   string userName= m.Groups["UserName"].Value;
   string position= m.Groups["Position"].Value;
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