Home > Net > With code generation lable, how to register event for her?
With code generation lable, how to register event for her?
With code generation lable, how to register event for her? For example: Label lable=new Label ();//the new lable For (int I=1; i <100; I++) { Lable. Name="lable" + I;//to lable named Lable. AutoSize=false; Lable. Location=new Point (2, 66); Lable. Size=new Size (298, 64); Lable. TextAlign=ContentAlignment. MiddleCenter; Lable. Text="haole"; Lable. The Font=new Font (" tahoma ", 15); Lable. BorderStyle=BorderStyle. Fixed3D; This. Controls. The Add (lable);//form to create a lable This. For the Location=new Point (lable. Location. X, lable. The Location, Y + 67);
} I want to give the new lable I registered click event, how do I register?
CodePudding user response:
Lable. The OnClick +=press Tab twice
CodePudding user response:
I just tried it on and registered the event, but I want to change the color of the lable, found no this control