Home > Net >  CEF page loading occasional bad phenomenon, mostly is loaded, how to solve! The great spirit genufle
CEF page loading occasional bad phenomenon, mostly is loaded, how to solve! The great spirit genufle


CEF page loading occasional bad phenomenon, the following is part of the code
The namespace CefDemo. Bs
Public partial class BsCtl
CefBrowser bs;
Control the parent;
Public BsCtl (Control CTL, string url)
The parent=CTL;
Var cwi=CefWindowInfo. The Create ();
Cwi. SetAsChild (parent. Handle, new CefRectangle (0, 0, the parent. The Width, the parent, Height));
Var BC=new BsClient ();
BC. OnCreated +=bc_OnCreated;
Var bs=new CefBrowserSettings () {};
CefBrowserHost. CreateBrowser (cwi, BC, bs, url);
The parent. SizeChanged +=parent_SizeChanged;

Void bc_OnCreated (object sender, EventArgs e)
Bs=(CefBrowser) sender;
Var handle=bs. GetHost (.) GetWindowHandle ();
ResizeWindow (handle, the parent. The Width, the parent. Height);

Void parent_SizeChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
If (bs!=null)
Var handle=bs. GetHost (.) GetWindowHandle ();
ResizeWindow (handle, the parent. The Width, the parent. Height);
Private void ResizeWindow (IntPtr handle, int width, int height)
If (handle!=IntPtr. Zero)
NativeMethod. SetWindowPos (handle, IntPtr. Zero,
0, 0, width, height,
0 x0002 | 0 x0004
Public void LoadUrl (string url)
Bs. GetMainFrame (.) LoadUrl (url);

CodePudding user response:

I also met the same problem, the solution genuflect is begged

CodePudding user response:

I also met the same problem, with o!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Try changing the LIB, the code inside the package LIB700 40 M M website more LIB works

CodePudding user response:

 static void Main () 

//registered Log4
Log4net. Config. The XmlConfigurator. Configure ();
CefRuntime. The Load ();
Var mainArgs=new CefMainArgs (new string [] {});
Var exitCode=CefRuntime. ExecuteProcess (mainArgs, null);
If (exitCode!=1)
Var Settings=new CefSettings
LogSeverity=CefLogSeverity. Disable,
The Locale="useful - CN",
LogFile="CefGlue. Log",
CefRuntime. The Initialize (mainArgs, Settings, null);
Application. EnableVisualStyles ();
Application. SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (false);
if (! Settings. MultiThreadedMessageLoop)
Application. The Idle +=(sender, e)=& gt; {CefRuntime. DoMessageLoopWork (); };
Application. The Run (new FrmLogin ());
CefRuntime. Shutdown ();

The catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper. Error (" Main ", "Main", ex. Message);

Behind the MultiThreadedMessageLoop=false, change to be such, white is less, but still has a chance to get bad, at least can be used

CodePudding user response:

I also met the same problem, I download the latest version of cef3-76 is not the problem,
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