Take two example tables:
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
| id | uid | thingone | thingtwo | thingthree | |
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
| 1 | 7 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
| 2 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
| id | oid | thingone | thingtwo | thingthree | |
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
| 1 | 7 | Apple | Coconut | Grape | |
| 2 | 8 | Potato | Orange | Banana | |
---- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ --
So in this example userid 7 would get Coconut and Grape, but not Apple. Userid 8 would get Potato and Orange, but not banana. I am wanting to do this the most efficient way and I realize I could do two separate queries with some php processing, but I want to do it with a single query if feasible.
What I need to do is (in a single query) get the row from TableOne by id and then select the row from TableTwo where theoid = the id of TableOne but only get the corresponding row from TableTwo if it is 1 and not 0 in TableOne.
Can any one help please?
CodePudding user response:
You can achieve it by using IF
and comparing the columns from both tables 1 by 1. To compare the tabletwo from tableone you need to use JOIN, in this query I use a LEFT JOIN.
SELECT a.id, a.`uid`,
IF(a.`thingone`=1, b.`thingone`, NULL) AS thingone,
IF(a.`thingtwo`=1, b.`thingtwo`, NULL) AS thingtwo,
IF(a.`thingthree`=1, b.`thingthree`, NULL) AS thingthree FROM tableone a
LEFT JOIN tabletwo b ON uid=oid;
Check MySQL IF() Function for more details.
CodePudding user response:
you need to make relational tables and then use join query
CodePudding user response:
What about this:
select case when t1.thingone = 1 then t2.thingone else '' end,
case when t1.thingtwo = 1 then t2.thingtwo else '' end,
case when t1.thingthree = 1 then t2.thingthree else '' end
from TableOne t1 join TableTwo t2 on t1.uid=t2.oid
You might need to concatenate these three or convert them into three rows, depending how how the three things should be represented.