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init value n custom Editor


I have this custom editor:

 [CustomEditor(typeof(Fluid3D), true)]
        public class Fluid3DEditor : Editor
            public override void OnInspectorGUI()
                //this method for create default monoBehavior fields
                //that i make it in base class (Fluid3D)
                SerializedProperty zz = serializedObject.FindProperty("Particle Radius");
                // Debug.Log(zz.intValue);
                Fluid3D fluid3D = (Fluid3D)target;
                switch (fluid3D.initParticleWay)
                    case InitParticleWay.SPHERE:
                        Sphere(ref fluid3D);
                    case InitParticleWay.CUBE:
                        Cube(ref fluid3D);
            void Sphere(ref Fluid3D fluid3D)
                fluid3D.BallRadius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Sphere Radius", fluid3D.BallRadius);
            void Cube(ref Fluid3D fluid3D)
                fluid3D.ParticleRadius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Particle Radius", fluid3D.ParticleRadius);
                fluid3D.separationFactor = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Sepreation Factor", fluid3D.separationFactor);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Volume", fluid3D.Volume.ToString());

and the init value in class Field3D is

private float ballRadius = 0.1f; 
public float separationFactor = 1.4f;
private float particleRadius = 0.15f; 

when I edit the values from inspector before run the Scene the values doesn't changed, just change while the game but I am need changing before the game started.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

The two variables ball radius and particle radius are private. Serialize them:

[SerializeField] private float ballRadius = 0.1f; 
[SerializeField] public float separationFactor = 1.4f;
[SerializeField] private float particleRadius = 0.15f; 
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