We host a site (one of many, this one is causing unnecessary pain) on SharePoint 2013. I am using a powershell script to try and replace, soon to be invalid, part of the webpart content with an empty string.
I am not sure how to properly use the PowerShell replace with wildcards and between the multiple examples onl-line, have trouble to figure it out. Maybe just tired.
I am going to use one example to demonstrate what I have and the actual result.
Powershell Script:
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
#Get All Webs (sites)
$webs = Get-SPWebApplication "mysite" | Get-SPSite -Limit All | Get-SPWeb -Limit All
#Iterate through webs
foreach ($web in $webs)
#Get All Pages from site's Root into $AllPages Array
$AllPages = @($web.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".aspx"})
#Search All Folders for Pages
foreach ($folder in $web.Folders)
#Add the pages to $AllPages Array
$AllPages = @($folder.Files | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".aspx"})
#Iterate through all pages
foreach($Page in $AllPages)
if ($Page.name -inotlike "home*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "dispform*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "editform*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "default*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "allitems*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "newform*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "newsfeed*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "*all *" -and $Page.name -inotlike "how to use*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "myitems*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "active*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "duetoday*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "MyGrTsks*" -and $Page.name -inotlike "GettingStarted*" -and $Page.name -like "Land-Use-Management-and-Sustainability*" )
write-host $Page.Name
#Web Part Manager to get all web parts from the page
$webPartManager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager($Page.ServerRelativeUrl, [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
#Iterate through each web part
foreach($webPart in $WebPartManager.WebParts)
$ViewContentTypeID = $webPart.Title
$ViewContent = $webPart.Content.InnerText
$ViewContentX = $ViewContent -replace '&FolderCTID=.*">','">HHH'
$IconImagePath = $webPart.CatalogIconImageUrl
write-host " -Webpart: $ViewContentTypeID"
write-host " -WebpartContent: $ViewContent"
write-host " -WebpartContentX: $ViewContentX"
#write-host " -CatalogIconImageUrl: '$IconImagePath'"
#write-host "Webpart: '$webPart.title'"
##Get the Content Editor web part with specific Title
#if($webPart.title -like "*Crescent Inc*")
# {
# #Replace the Old Title
# $webPart.title = $webPart.title.Replace("Crescent Inc.", "Lunar Inc.")
# #Same method goes to update any other custom properties.
# #E.g. To update Page viewer web part's link property:
# #$webPart.ContentLink = "https://www.sharepointdiary.com"
# #To set built-it properties, E.g. To set Set the Chrome type programmatically use:
# #$webPart.ChromeType = [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PartChromeType]::TitleAndBorder
# #Save the changes
# $webPartManager.SaveChanges($webPart)
# write-host "Updated '$($OldTitle)' on $($web.URL)$($Page.ServerRelativeUrl)"
# }
#Read more: https://www.sharepointdiary.com/2013/08/update-web-part-properties-programmatically.html#ixzz7V2okwR00
What I have:
<p><span><strong >Related Documentation:</strong><span ></span><img alt="stick_figure_holding_folder_9748.png" src="/PublishingImages/Pages/SHEQ-Policy/stick_figure_holding_folder_9748.png" style="margin: 5px; width: 131px;"/></spa
n></p><p><span ><span ><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=
/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/02 Standards/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25 Land Use Management and Sustainability&FolderCTID=0x01200
0CEE56914143D1444809437B68BE10DBE&View={53CE6768-B28C-4261-9E86-92A5904DE9CD}">Standards</a></span></span></p><div><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management
System/04 Palabora Operating Procedures/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25 Land Use Management and Sustainability"><span ><em>Palabora Operating
Procedures</em></span></a></div><div> </div><p><span ><span ><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Manageme
nt System/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/15 Forms/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25 Land Use Management and%
20Sustainability&FolderCTID=0x012000CEE56914143D1444809437B68BE10DBE&View={53CE6768-B28C-4261-9E86-92A5904DE9CD}">Forms</a></span></span></p><p><span ><span ><span ><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/Forms/AllItems.aspx?Roo
tFolder=/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/20 Management Plan/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25 Land Use Management and Sustainability&Fo
lderCTID=0x012000CEE56914143D1444809437B68BE10DBE&View={53CE6768-B28C-4261-9E86-92A5904DE9CD}">Management Plan</a></span></span></span></p><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabor
a SHEQ Management System/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/16 Guidance Notes/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25
Land Use Management and Sustainability&FolderCTID=0x012000CEE56914143D1444809437B68BE10DBE&View={53CE6768-B28C-4261-9E86-92A5904DE9CD}"><span ><em>Guidance Notes</em></span></a>
Actual current output:
<p><span><strong >Related Documentation:</strong><span ></span><img alt="stick_figure_holding_folder_9748.png" src="/PublishingImages/Pages/SHEQ-Policy/stick_figure_holding_folder_9748.png" style="margin: 5px; width: 131px;"/></spa
n></p><p><span ><span ><a href="/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=
/sites/PMW/Palabora SHEQ Management System/02 Standards/4.6 SHE Standards/4.6.25 Land Use Management and Sustainability">HHH<span ><em>Guidance Notes</em></span></a>
The replace should actually just replace every occurrence of "&FolderCTID=0x01200 0CEE56914143D1444809437B68BE10DBE&View={53CE6768-B28C-4261-9E86-92A5904DE9CD}" with "". Currently it seems like it starts at the first occurrence and replace everything between it and the last occurrence.
CodePudding user response:
Strangely it seems to be working ok for me!
But the issue may be due to regex and how it does lazy/greedy matching.
I cant test it, but try changing the '&FolderCTID=.*">'
to '&FolderCTID=.*?">'
This will then match your pattern until the next occurence, not to the last occurence.