Home > Net >  For a great god!!!!! ResolveAssemblyReference "task unexpected failure. The.net when running at
For a great god!!!!! ResolveAssemblyReference "task unexpected failure. The.net when running at


Error 1 "ResolveAssemblyReference" task fails unexpectedly,
One or more of the error System. AggregateException:, - & gt; System. ArgumentException: with illegal characters in path,
In the System. Security. Permissions. FileIOPermission. EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks (String fullPath)
In the System. IO. FileSystemEnumerableIterator ` 1.. Ctor (String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption SearchOption, SearchResultHandler ` 1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost)
In the System. IO. Directory. GetFiles (String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption SearchOption)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyFoldersExCache. & lt;> C__DisplayClass4_0. & lt; . Ctor> B__0 (AssemblyFoldersExInfo assemblyFolder)
In the System. The Threading. The Tasks. The Parallel. & lt;> 2 c__DisplayClass42_0 ` & lt; PartitionerForEachWorker> B__1 ()
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. InnerInvoke ()
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. InnerInvokeWithArg (Task childTask)
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. & lt;> C__DisplayClass176_0. & lt; ExecuteSelfReplicating> B__0 (Object & lt; P0 & gt;)
- at the end of the inner exception stack trace -- -- --
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. ThrowIfExceptional (Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken CancellationToken)
In the System. The Threading. Tasks. Task. Wait ()
In the System. The Threading. The Tasks. The Parallel. PartitionerForEachWorker [TSource, TLocal] (Partitioner ` 1 source, ParallelOptions ParallelOptions, Action 1 simpleBody `, Action 2 bodyWithState `, Action 3 bodyWithStateAndIndex `, Func ` 4 bodyWithStateAndLocal, Func ` 5 bodyWithEverything, Func ` 1 localInit, Action ` 1 localFinally)
In the System. The Threading. The Tasks. The Parallel. ForEachWorker [TSource, TLocal] (IEnumerable ` 1 source, ParallelOptions ParallelOptions, Action ` 1 body, Action 2 bodyWithState `, Action 3 bodyWithStateAndIndex `, Func ` 4 bodyWithStateAndLocal, Func ` 5 bodyWithEverything, Func ` 1 localInit, Action ` 1 localFinally)
In the System. The Threading. The Tasks. The Parallel. ForEach [TSource] (IEnumerable ` 1 source, the Action ` 1 body)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyFoldersExCache.. Ctor (AssemblyFoldersEx AssemblyFoldersEx, FileExists FileExists)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyFoldersExResolver. LazyInitialize ()
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyFoldersExResolver. Resolve (AssemblyNameExtension assemblyName, String sdkName, String rawFileNameCandidate, Boolean isPrimaryProjectReference, Boolean wantSpecificVersion, String [] executableExtensions, String hintPath, String assemblyFolderKey, ArrayList assembliesConsideredAndRejected, String& FoundPath Boolean& UserRequestedSpecificFile)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyResolution. ResolveReference (IEnumerable ` 1 jaggedResolvers, AssemblyNameExtension assemblyName, String sdkName, String rawFileNameCandidate, Boolean isPrimaryProjectReference, Boolean wantSpecificVersion, String [] executableExtensions, String hintPath, String assemblyFolderKey, ArrayList assembliesConsideredAndRejected, String& ResolvedSearchPath Boolean& UserRequestedSpecificFile)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. ReferenceTable. ResolveReference (AssemblyNameExtension assemblyName, String rawFileNameCandidate, Reference Reference)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. ReferenceTable. ResolveAssemblyFilenames ()
The Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ReferenceTable.Com puteClosure ()
On the Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ReferenceTable.Com puteClosure (DependentAssembly [] remappedAssembliesValue, ITaskItem [] referenceAssemblyFiles, ITaskItem [] referenceAssemblyNames, ArrayList exceptions)
在 Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResolveAssemblyReference.Execute(FileExists fileExists, DirectoryExists directoryExists, GetDirectories getDirectories, GetAssemblyName getAssemblyName, GetAssemblyMetadata getAssemblyMetadata, GetRegistrySubKeyNames getRegistrySubKeyNames, GetRegistrySubKeyDefaultValue getRegistrySubKeyDefaultValue, GetLastWriteTime getLastWriteTime, GetAssemblyRuntimeVersion getRuntimeVersion, OpenBaseKey openBaseKey, CheckIfAssemblyInGac checkIfAssemblyIsInGac, IsWinMDFile isWinMDFile, ReadMachineTypeFromPEHeader readMachineTypeFromPEHeader)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. ResolveAssemblyReference. The Execute ()
In Microsoft. Build. BackEnd. TaskExecutionHost. Microsoft. Build. BackEnd. ITaskExecutionHost. The Execute ()
In Microsoft. Build. BackEnd. TaskBuilder. & lt; ExecuteInstantiatedTask> D__26. MoveNext ()
- & gt; (internal abnormal # 0) System. ArgumentException: with illegal characters in path,
In the System. Security. Permissions. FileIOPermission. EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks (String fullPath)
In the System. IO. FileSystemEnumerableIterator ` 1.. Ctor (String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption SearchOption, SearchResultHandler ` 1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost)
In the System. IO. Directory. GetFiles (String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption SearchOption)
In Microsoft. Build. The Tasks. AssemblyFoldersExCache. & lt;> C__DisplayClass4_0. & lt; . Ctor> B__0 (AssemblyFoldersExInfo assemblyFolder)
In the System. The Threading. The Tasks. The Parallel. & lt;> 2 c__DisplayClass42_0 ` & lt; PartitionerForEachWorker> B__1 ()
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