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Efficiently find the indices of shared values (with repeats) between two large arrays


Problem description

Let's take this simple array set

            # 0,1,2,3,4,5
a = np.array([1,1,3,4,6])
b = np.array([6,6,1,3])

From these two arrays I want to get the indices of all possible matches. So for number 1 we get 0,2 and 1,2, with the complete output looking like:

0,2 # 1
1,2 # 1
2,3 # 3
4,0 # 6
4,1 # 6

Note that the arrays are (not yet) sorted neither do they only contain unique elements - two conditions often assumed in other answers (see bottom). The above example is very small, however, I have to apply this to ~40K element arrays.

Tried approaches

1.Python loop approach
indx = []
for i, aval in enumerate(a):
    for j, bval in enumerate(b):
        if aval == bval:
# [[0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 0], [4, 1]]
2.Python dict approach
adict = defaultdict(list)
bdict = defaultdict(list)
for i, aval in enumerate(a): adict[aval].append(i)
for j, bval in enumerate(b): bdict[bval].append(j)

for val, a_positions in adict.items():
    for b_position in bdict[val]:
        for a_position in a_positions:
            print(a_position, b_position)
3.Numpy where

print(np.where(a.reshape(-1,1) == b))

4. Polars dataframes

Converting it to a dataframe and then using Polars

import polars as pl
a = pl.DataFrame( {'x': a, 'apos':list(range(len(a)))} )
b = pl.DataFrame( {'x': b, 'apos':list(range(len(b)))} )
a.join(b, how='inner', on='x')

"Big data"
On "big" data using Polars seems the fastest now with around 0.02 secs. I'm suprised that creating DataFrames first and then joining them is faster than any other approach I could come up with so curious if there is any other way to beat it :)
a = np.random.randint(0,1000, 40000)
b = np.random.randint(0,1000, 40000)

Using the above data:

  1. python loop: 218s
  2. python dict: 0.03s
  3. numpy.where: 4.5s
  4. polars: 0.02s

How related questions didn't solve this

Very surprised a DataFrame library is currently the fastest, so curious to see if there are other approaches to beat this speed :) Everything is fine, cython, numba, pythran etc.

CodePudding user response:

NOTE: this post is now superseded by the faster alternative sort-based solution.

The dict based approach is an algorithmically efficient solution compared to others (I guess Polars should use a similar approach). However, the overhead of CPython make it a bit slow. You can speed it up a bit using Numba. Here is an implementation:

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from numba.typed.typeddict import Dict
from numba.typed.typedlist import ListType
from numba.typed.typedlist import List

IntList = ListType(nb.int32)

@nb.njit('(int32[:], int32[:])')
def numba_dict_based_compute(a, b):
    adict = Dict.empty(nb.int32, IntList)
    bdict = Dict.empty(nb.int32, IntList)

    for i, val in enumerate(a):
        if val in adict: adict[val].append(i)
        else: adict[val] = List([nb.int32(i)])

    for i, val in enumerate(b):
        if val in bdict: bdict[val].append(i)
        else: bdict[val] = List([nb.int32(i)])

    count = 0

    for val, a_positions in adict.items():
        if val not in bdict:
        b_positions = bdict[val]
        count  = len(a_positions) * len(b_positions)

    result = np.empty((count, 2), dtype=np.int32)
    cur = 0

    for val, a_positions in adict.items():
        if val not in bdict:
        for b_position in bdict[val]:
            for a_position in a_positions:
                result[cur, 0] = a_position
                result[cur, 1] = b_position
                cur  = 1

    return result

result = numba_dict_based_compute(a.astype(np.int32), b.astype(np.int32))

Note that computing in-place the value is a bit faster than storing them (and pre-compute the size of the array). However, if nothing is done in the loop, Numba can completely optimize it out and the benchmark would be biased. Alternatively, printing values is so slow that is would also biased the benchmark. Note also that the implementation assumes the numbers are 32-bit ones. A 64 bit implementation can be trivially implemented by replacing 32-bit types by 64-bit ones though it decreases the performance.

This solution is about twice faster on my machine though it is a bit verbose and not very easy to read. The performance of the operation is mainly bounded by the speed of dictionary lookups. This implementation is a bit faster than the one of polars on my machine.

Here are timings:

Naive python loop:   >100_000   ms
Numpy where:            3_451   ms
Python dict:               24.7 ms
Polars:                    12.3 ms
This implementation:       11.3 ms    (takes 13.2 ms on 64-bit values)

CodePudding user response:

An alternative completely-different solution is to sort the array and retrieve the locations of the sorted array with np.argsort, then get the sorted value, and then walk in lockstep over the two set of locations sorted by value. This last operation can be (again) implemented efficiently in Numba or Cython. It can be actually split in two part: the one finding slices in a and b matching to the same value (similar to a merge operation), and one doing the actual cartesian product for each matching slices. Splitting this in two steps enable the second one (which is expensive) to be computed in parallel if possible (and in-place if possible too). The complexity of finding the matching offsets is O(n log n) with Numpy (one can reach the theoretical optimal O(n) time using a radix sort).

Here is the resulting implementation:

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

# Support both 32-bit and 64-bit integers
@nb.njit(['(int64[::1],int64[::1],int64[::1],int64[::1])', '(int64[::1],int64[::1],int32[::1],int32[::1])'], debug=True)
def find_matching_offsets(a_positions, b_positions, a_sorted_values, b_sorted_values):
    n, m = a_positions.size, b_positions.size
    result = np.empty((n, 4), dtype=np.int32)

    a_pos, b_pos, cur = 0, 0, 0
    while a_pos < n and b_pos < m:
        a_val = a_sorted_values[a_pos]
        b_val = b_sorted_values[b_pos]

        if a_val < b_val:
            a_pos  = 1

        if a_val > b_val:
            b_pos  = 1

        a_end = n
        for i in range(a_pos   1, n):
            if a_sorted_values[i] != a_val:
                a_end = i

        b_end = m
        for i in range(b_pos   1, m):
            if b_sorted_values[i] != b_val:
                b_end = i

        result[cur, 0] = a_pos
        result[cur, 1] = a_end
        result[cur, 2] = b_pos
        result[cur, 3] = b_end
        cur  = 1

        a_pos = a_end
        b_pos = b_end

    return result[:cur]

@nb.njit(['(int64[::1],int64[::1],int32[:,::1])'], parallel=True)
def do_cartesian_product(a_positions, b_positions, offsets):
    size = 0
    cur = 0
    result_offsets = np.empty(offsets.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)

    # Compute the size of the output
    for i in range(offsets.shape[0]):
        a_pos, a_end, b_pos, b_end = offsets[i]
        assert a_end > a_pos and b_end > b_pos
        result_offsets[cur] = size
        size  = (a_end - a_pos) * (b_end - b_pos)
        cur  = 1

    assert size > 0
    result = np.empty((size, 2), dtype=np.int32)

    # Generate the output in parallel (or in-place if possible)
    for i in nb.prange(offsets.shape[0]):
        a_pos, a_end, b_pos, b_end = offsets[i]
        offset = result_offsets[i]
        local_cur = 0
        for j in range(a_pos, a_end):
            for k in range(b_pos, b_end):
                local_offset = offset   local_cur
                result[local_offset, 0] = a_positions[j]
                result[local_offset, 1] = b_positions[k]
                local_cur  = 1

    return result

def sorted_based_compute(a, b):
    a_positions = np.argsort(a)
    b_positions = np.argsort(b)
    a_sorted_values = a[a_positions]
    b_sorted_values = b[b_positions]
    offsets = find_matching_offsets(a_positions, b_positions, a_sorted_values, b_sorted_values)
    return do_cartesian_product(a_positions, b_positions, offsets)

This solution is faster than the previous one and certainly reach the limit of with what is possible with Numpy/Numba (without making additional assumptions on the input). Here is the performance results (on my 6-core machine):

Python dict:                        24.7 ms
Polars:                             12.3 ms
Dict-based Numba version:           11.3 ms
Sort-based Numpy Numba version:      5.0 ms  <----

Note that ~60% of the time is spent in the argsort functions and the rest is basically the cartesian product. It can theoretically be improved using a parallel sort but AFAIK this is not possible with Numpy yet (and pretty hard to do in Numba).

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