if removepunc == "on":
punctuations = '''!()-[]{};:'"\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~'''
analyzed = ""
for char in djtext:
if char not in punctuations:
analyzed = analyzed char
params = {'purpose':'Removed Punctuations', 'analyzed_text': analyzed}
return render(request, 'analyze.html', params)
return HttpResponse("Error")
So basically this removes punctuations from a sentence and I'm not getting the loop part of the program. If anyone could explain, it would be great! Thanks
CodePudding user response:
you have djtext string which you scroll on with the for: for char in djtext
for example, if djtext='abc' then with for loop on it, char is 'a' in the first loop after 'b' after 'c'.
in this line if char not in punctuations
, is checked that if char not into punctuations till concatenate char with analyzed string.
in the end:
params = {'purpose':'Removed Punctuations', 'analyzed_text': analyzed}
return render(request, 'analyze.html', params)
response data is getting ready then data that is params with analyze.html file return and render from django view.