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Get point geometries as rows for each vertex in SDO_GEOMETRY line


Oracle 18c:

It's possible to get SDO_GEOMETRY line vertex ordinates as rows using the sdo_util.getvertices() function:

with cte as (
select 100 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (10 20, 30 40)')                       shape from dual union all
select 200 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (50 60, 70 80, 90 100)')               shape from dual union all
select 300 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (110 120, 130 140, 150 160, 170 180)') shape from dual)
    id as vertex_id,
    cte, sdo_util.getvertices(shape) v

  ASSET_ID  VERTEX_ID          X          Y
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
       100          1         10         20
       100          2         30         40

       200          1         50         60
       200          2         70         80
       200          3         90        100

       300          1        110        120
       300          2        130        140
       300          3        150        160
       300          4        170        180

The resulting rows have columns with ordinates as numbers.

I want to do something similar, but I want to get point geometries as rows for each vertex in the lines, instead of numbers.

The result would look like this:

---------- ---------- ---------------- 
       100          1   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       100          2   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 

       200          1   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       200          2   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       200          3   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 

       300          1   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       300          2   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       300          3   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 
       300          4   [SDO_GEOMETRY] 


There is an undocumented function called SDO_UTIL.GET_COORDINATE(geometry, point_number).

(The name of that function seems misleading: it returns a point geometry, not a coordinate.)

    sdo_util.get_coordinate(shape,1) as first_point

---------- --------------------- 
       100  [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]
       200  [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]
       300  [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]

That function could be useful for getting vertices as point geometries.


Is there a way to get point geometries as rows for each vertex in the SDO_GEOMETRY lines?

CodePudding user response:

If you want the output as an MDSYS.ST_POINT data type then convert the MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY type to an MDSYS.ST_LINESTRING type and use the ST_NumPoints() and ST_PointN(index) member functions (from the MDSYS.ST_CURVE super-type) in a LATERAL joined hierarchical sub-query:

with cte (asset_id, shape) as (
  select 100, sdo_geometry('linestring (10 20, 30 40)')                       from dual union all
  select 200, sdo_geometry('linestring (50 60, 70 80, 90 100)')               from dual union all
  select 300, sdo_geometry('linestring (110 120, 130 140, 150 160, 170 180)') from dual
select c.asset_id,
from   cte c
         SELECT ST_LINESTRING(c.shape).ST_PointN(LEVEL) AS point
         FROM   DUAL
         CONNECT BY LEVEL <= ST_LINESTRING(c.shape).ST_NumPoints()
       ) p;

db<>fiddle here

CodePudding user response:


with cte as ( select 100 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (10 20, 30 40)') shape from dual union all select 200 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (50 60, 70 80, 90 100)') shape from dual union all select 300 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (110 120, 130 140, 150 160, 170 180)') shape from dual ) select c.asset_id, id as vertex_id, sdo_geometry(c.shape.sdo_gtype/10 * 10 1, c.shape.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(v.x, v.y, v.z), null,null) as point from cte c, sdo_util.getvertices(shape) v

CodePudding user response:

I came up with a cross join and connect by level solution that seems to work.

Although, there might be more succinct ways of doing it.

data as (
    select 100 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (10 20, 30 40)')                       shape from dual union all
    select 200 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (50 60, 70 80, 90 100)')               shape from dual union all
    select 300 as asset_id, sdo_geometry('linestring (110 120, 130 140, 150 160, 170 180)') shape from dual),
vertices as (
    select level as vertex_index from dual connect by level <= (select max(sdo_util.getnumvertices(shape)) from data))
    sdo_util.get_coordinate(d.shape,v.vertex_index) as sdo_geom_point, --the ordinates are stored in the SDO_GEOMETRY's SDO_POINT attribute. Example: MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(10, 20, NULL)
    sdo_util.get_coordinate(d.shape,v.vertex_index).sdo_point.x as x,
    sdo_util.get_coordinate(d.shape,v.vertex_index).sdo_point.y as y
    data d
cross join
    vertices v
    v.vertex_index <= sdo_util.getnumvertices(shape)
order by


  ASSET_ID VERTEX_INDEX SDO_GEOM_POINT                X          Y
---------- ------------ -------------------- ---------- ----------
       100            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         10         20
       100            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         30         40

       200            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         50         60
       200            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         70         80
       200            3 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         90        100

       300            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        110        120
       300            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        130        140
       300            3 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        150        160
       300            4 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        170        180

I added the X & Y columns to the query to show what the [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY] values represent. I don't actually need the X&Y columns in my query.


I borrowed @MT0's cross join lateral technique and adapted it for SDO_GEOMETRY instead of MDSYS.ST_POINT.

It's cleaner than my original cross join / connect by level approach.

with cte (asset_id, shape) as (
  select 100, sdo_geometry('linestring (10 20, 30 40)')                       from dual union all
  select 200, sdo_geometry('linestring (50 60, 70 80, 90 100)')               from dual union all
  select 300, sdo_geometry('linestring (110 120, 130 140, 150 160, 170 180)') from dual
select c.asset_id,
       sdo_util.get_coordinate(c.shape,p.vertex_index).sdo_point.x as x,
       sdo_util.get_coordinate(c.shape,p.vertex_index).sdo_point.y as y
from   cte c
       cross join lateral (
         select sdo_util.get_coordinate(c.shape,level) as point, level as vertex_index
         from   dual
         connect by level <= sdo_util.getnumvertices(c.shape)
       ) p;

The result is the same:

  ASSET_ID VERTEX_INDEX SDO_GEOM_POINT                X          Y
---------- ------------ -------------------- ---------- ----------
       100            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         10         20
       100            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         30         40

       200            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         50         60
       200            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         70         80
       200            3 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]         90        100

       300            1 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        110        120
       300            2 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        130        140
       300            3 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        150        160
       300            4 [MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY]        170        180
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