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Use WITH clause for storing temporary data: What is the equivalent syntax to Oracle, but in SQLite?


The syntax for storing temporary data in the WITH clause looks like this in Oracle:

with data (asset_id, x, y) as (
select 100, 10, 20 from dual union all
select 200, 30, 40 from dual union all
select 300, 50, 50 from dual)
select * from data

  ASSET_ID          X          Y
---------- ---------- ----------
       100         10         20
       200         30         40
       300         50         50

What would be the equivalent syntax in SQLite?

CodePudding user response:

It looks like the syntax is the same as Oracle, except we need to remove from dual:

with data (asset_id, x, y) as (
select 100, 10, 20 union all
select 200, 30, 40 union all
select 300, 50, 50 )
select * from data

  ASSET_ID          X          Y
---------- ---------- ----------
       100         10         20
       200         30         40
       300         50         50


CodePudding user response:

In SQLite it is simpler to use VALUES:

with data (asset_id, x, y) as (
  (100, 10, 20),
  (200, 30, 40),
  (300, 50, 50)
select * from data

See the demo.

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