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C # socket communication


C # socket server how to put the client 1 to send the message to a client 2

CodePudding user response:

Client if both within their own Intranet, so need a server, the server deployment on the public network, two client connected to the first server, maintaining connections, and then forward

CodePudding user response:

Are in a local area network (LAN), but this is don't know how to forward

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor qq_42108220 response:
are within a local area network (LAN), but this is don't know how to forward

Is 1 to send a message to the client, such as by 16 and distributing 02 01, 02, 03 04 05 first 02 said client number also is to the client 2 server receives this information to check the first one is 02 2 here just to send this message to the client message format to see how do you decide to let the server recognized to which the client is OK

CodePudding user response:

Is one of my client hardware esp8266 this is directly send information is not specified, the specified need server specified sent to another server

CodePudding user response:

Learn about HPSocket

CodePudding user response:

UDP approach!

CodePudding user response:

Don't know this, before the class teacher speak with socket communication

CodePudding user response:

Using System;
Using System. Collections. Generic;
Using System. Linq;
Using System. The Text;
Using System. The Threading;
Using System.Net.Sockets;
Using System.Net;

The namespace SocketServerAcceptMultipleClient
Public class SocketServer
//create a socket and client communication
The static Socket socketwatch=null;
//define a collection, storage client information
The static Dictionary ClientConnectionItems=new Dictionary {};

Public static void Main (string [] args)
//define a socket listens for messages from the client, consists of three parameters (IP4 addressing agreement, streaming connection, Tcp)
Socketwatch=new Socket (AddressFamily. InterNetwork, SocketType Stream, ProtocolType. Tcp);
//the server sends a message to an IP address and port number
IPAddress address=IPAddress. Parse (" ");
//to bind the IP address and port number to the network node point
IPEndPoint point=new IPEndPoint (address, 7777);
//this port is dedicated to the listening

//monitored binding network node
Socketwatch. Bind (point);

//limit socket listening to the queue length of 20
Socketwatch. Listen (20);

//is responsible for monitoring the client thread: create a listener thread
Thread threadwatch=new Thread (watchconnecting);

//sets the thread form to synchronize with the background, as the main thread ends and end
Threadwatch. IsBackground=true;

//start the thread
Threadwatch. Start ();

Console. WriteLine (" open listening,,, ");
Console. WriteLine (" click to enter any data enter exit procedures,,, ");
The Console. ReadKey ();
Console. WriteLine (" exit to monitor, and close the program, ");

//to monitor the client request message from
The static void watchconnecting ()
The Socket connection=null;

//continued to monitor the client request message from
While (true)
The connection=socketwatch. The Accept ();
The catch (Exception ex)
//hint socket listening abnormal
Console. WriteLine (ex. Message);

//get the client's IP and port number
IPAddress clientIP=(connection. RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint.) Address.
Int clientPort=(connection. RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint). The Port;

//let the customer show "connected" to the success of information
String sendmsg="connect server success! \ r \ n "+" local IP: "local port + clientIP +", "+ clientPort. ToString ();
Byte [] arrSendMsg=Encoding. UTF8. GetBytes (sendmsg);
Connection. The Send (arrSendMsg);

No.//client network node
String remoteEndPoint=connection. RemoteEndPoint. ToString ();//IP and port
//display and client connection
Console. WriteLine (" success and "+ remoteEndPoint +" client connection! \ t \ n ");
//add the client information
ClientConnectionItems. Add (remoteEndPoint, connection);

//IPEndPoint netpoint=new IPEndPoint (clientIP, clientPort);
IPEndPoint netpoint=connection. RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

//create a communication thread
ParameterizedThreadStart pts1=new ParameterizedThreadStart recv ();
//ParameterizedThreadStart pts2=new ParameterizedThreadStart (send);

Thread thread1=new Thread (pts1);

//Thread thread2=new Thread (pts2);

//set to background threads, as the main thread to exit out
Thread1. IsBackground=true;
//start the thread

//thread2 IsBackground=true;
//start the thread
//thread2. Start (connection);
Thread1. Start (connection);

The static string messag=null;
///& lt; Summary>
///receiving information from the client, the client socket object
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="socketclientpara & gt;"
The static void recv (object socketclientpara)
The Socket socketServer=socketclientpara as Socket;

While (true)
//create a memory buffer, the size of 1024 bytes
Byte [] arrServerRecMsg=new byte [1024].
//will receive the information into the memory buffer, and returns the length of the byte array
Int length=socketServer. The Receive (arrServerRecMsg);

//transfer machine received byte array is string can read
String strSRecMsg=Encoding. The ASCII. Get string (arrServerRecMsg, 0, length);

//will send information about the string attached to the text box txtMsg
Console. WriteLine (" the client: "+ socketServer. RemoteEndPoint +", the time: "+ GetCurrentTime () +" \ r \ n "+ strSRecMsg +" \ r \ n \ n ");

Console. WriteLine (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "+ strSRecMsg +" \ r \ n \ n ");
SocketServer. Send (arrServerRecMsg, length, 0).

The catch (Exception ex)
ClientConnectionItems. Remove (socketServer. RemoteEndPoint. ToString ());

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