I am creating an excel sheet with the following code:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('data.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
data = pd.DataFrame(data={'val1': [True, False],
'val2': [False, True],
'val3': [True, True],
'val4': [True, False],
'val5': [True, True],
'val6': [False, False]},
index=pd.Series([1, 2], name='index'))
data.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='Sheet1')
workbook = writer.book
ws = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
I want to change the column background colors based on the value with the following dictionary:
colors = {'val3': '#FFFF00',
'val4': '#DCE6F1',
'val6': '#FDE9D9'}
CodePudding user response:
The only solution I've found so far is by using the second for loop, try:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('data.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
data = pd.DataFrame(data={'val1': [True, False],
'val2': [False, True],
'val3': [True, True],
'val4': [True, False],
'val5': [True, True],
'val6': [False, False]},
index=pd.Series([1, 2], name='index'))
data.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='Sheet1')
workbook = writer.book
ws = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
d = {
'bold': True,
'text_wrap': False,
'align': 'center',
'valign': 'center',
'border': 1
colors = {'val3': '#FFFF00',
'val4': '#DCE6F1',
'val6': '#FDE9D9'}
for col_num, value in enumerate(data.columns.values):
for key in colors:
if key == value:
d['fg_color'] = colors[key]
header_format = workbook.add_format(d)
ws.write(0, col_num, value, header_format)