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How do regular expression matching some punctuation marks must appear in pairs?


"" <> () {} [] (), types of punctuation in uncertain, but is a must in pairs,

"Childhood" practice questions (with answers) _ (founded baidu library)
"Childhood exercises (with answers) _ baidu library was not
"Childhood" exercises (including the answer _ baidu library was not
"Childhood" exercises [contain the answer] _ (baidu library was not
"Childhood" exercises [contain the answer] _ (baidu library) is founded

CodePudding user response:

Regular is not the best choice, it requires balance group, writing is not good maintenance, trouble
Used to analyze status code, as long as a few lines of code, faster,
The static bool IsBalanced (string input)
Const string pairs="" "<> () {} [] () ".
Var counters=new int [pairs. Length/2];
The Select (x=& gt; Pairs. IndexOf (x))
The Where (x=& gt; X & gt;=0)
ToList ()
The ForEach (x=& gt; Counters/x/2 +=((x & amp; 1) * 2-1));
Return counters. The Sum ()==0;

CodePudding user response:

correct (# 1) :
The static bool IsBalanced (string input)
Return couters. All (x=& gt; X==0) ;

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor github_36000833 response:
regular is not the best choice, it requires balance group, writing is not good maintenance, trouble
Used to analyze status code, as long as a few lines of code, faster,
The static bool IsBalanced (string input)
Const string pairs="" "<> () {} [] () ".
Var counters=new int [pairs. Length/2];
The Select (x=& gt; Pairs. IndexOf (x))
The Where (x=& gt; X & gt;=0)
ToList ()
The ForEach (x=& gt; Counters/x/2 +=((x & amp; 1) * 2-1));
Return counters. The Sum ()==0;

According to tip the balance of above groups, from already groping, added some conditions, the line does not match the Spaces,,,, Such as

[^,,,,,?; "" "" <> () () () [] {} \ s] * (((? 'jxfinest' (" | | "" | | \ [| (| | ({) [^,,,,,?;" "" "<> () () () [] {} \ s] *) + ((? '- jxfinest' (" | | ">) | | \) | |]) |})) [^,,,,,?;" "" "<> () () () [] {} \ s] *) +) * (? ((jxfinest)? !). )

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

reference jxfinest reply: 3/f
According to tip the balance of above groups, from already groping, added some conditions, the line does not match the Spaces,,,, Such as

Encourage and praise a,
Symbol if you want to match, you may use the more balance group, only total match, cannot solve the following input:
 "childhood library) 

With regular purpose, is to make development easier, if found that regular more trouble, it is time to consider other way,

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor github_36000833 reply:
Quote: refer to the third floor jxfinest response:

According to tip the balance of above groups, from already groping, added some conditions, the line does not match the Spaces,,,, Such as

Encourage and praise a,
Symbol if you want to match, you may use the more balance group, only total match, cannot solve the following input:
 "childhood library) 

With regular purpose, is to make development easier, if found that regular more trouble, it is time to consider other practices,

You mentioned: "childhood library)
I remember I was considered the situation of ah, but there are no computer validation National Day go home in the car now, I am here is
(" | | ">) | | | | | \)])})
Rather than
[" ">) \])}]

CodePudding user response:

Verified, do exist github_36000833 described BUG

CodePudding user response:

Using multiple balance group, it is possible to each group of balance,

 (? X) # allow blank and comments 
[^ "" <> () {} [] ()] # does not contain special symbols
"(? ) | "(? <- dab>) # see "", the corresponding increase or decrease in dab (Double Angle Bracket) balance group
<(? ) |> (? <- ab>)
\ [(?

) | \] (? <- p>)
{(? ) |} (? <- cb>)
[(? & lt; sqb>) |] (? <- sqb>)
((? ) (|)? <- cnb>)
) *
(? ((dab)? !). Balance) # check Double Angle Bracket set allowance is not zero
(? (ab)? !). ) # check the Angle Bracket balance group
(? (p)? !). ) # check the Parenthesis balance group
(? ((cb)? !). ) # check CurlyBrace balance group
(? ((SQB)? !). ) # check SquareBracket balance group
(? ((CNB)? !). ) # check CornerBracket balance group

So that we can maintain a balance between each group, such as
"Childhood [exercises with answers]"

nevertheless, staggered match will be improved, which also can't judge the following cross match (if need strict matching) :
"Childhood [exercises with answers"]

In code is easier to control:
 class Program 
The static void Main (string [] args)
Var b1=IsBalanced (" "childhood" exercises [contain the answer] _ (baidu library) set up ");//true
Var b2=IsBalanced (" "" "" "" childhood" contain the solution [] (baidu library) "" "" "");//true
Var b3=IsBalanced (library) "" childhood");//false
Var b4=IsBalanced (" "childhood [exercises with answers"] ");//false;

The static bool IsBalanced (string input)
Const string pairs="" "<> () {} [] () ".
Var stack=new Stack (a);
The foreach (char c in input)
Int I=pairs. IndexOf (c);
If (I==1)
continue;//not symbolic, skip
If (I % 2==0)
Stack. Push (c);//even as symbolic open, into the stack
End the else//odd for symbols, check the top of the stack must be matched 'symbol'
If (stack. Count==0 | | stack. Pop ()!=pairs] [I - 1)
return false;
The return stack. Count==0;//all pairs must complete

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