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Ujevic method in C- root is returning -nan


I have been trying to code the ujevic method for solving non linear equations. but upon compiling the code with given data, it return the root as - nan. The actual root should be 1 and no. of iterations 75.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define f(x) ((x*x*x)-(3*x) 2)
#define g(x) ((3*x*x)-3)

void main() {
    float a, b, x0, xk, z0, xt, y;
    int i = 0;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of a: ");
    scanf("%f", &a);
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of b: ");
    scanf("%f", &b);
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of x0: ");
    scanf("%f", &x0);
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of Alpha: ");
    scanf("%f", &y);
    do {
        xt = x0;
        z0 = x0 - y * (f(x0) / g(x0));
        xk = x0   4 * (z0 - x0) * (f(x0) / ((3 * f(x0)) - (2 * f(z0))));
        x0 = xk;
        i  ;
    } while (fabs(xk - xt >= 0.000000000000000001));
    printf("The value of root is: %f", xk);
    printf("\n the no of iterations is %d", i);


Enter The Value Of a: 0.5
Enter The Value Of b: 1.2
Enter The Value Of x0: 0.5
Enter The Value Of Alpha: 0.1
The value of root is: -nan
the no of iterations is 43

CodePudding user response:

When x0 reaches the value 0.999802410602569580078125, f(x0) is calculated as zero. In f(x0), x0*x0*x0 is calculated as 0.999407351016998291015625, and 3*x0 is 2.999407291412353515625. Subtracting these would give −1.999999940395355224609375 mathematically, but the float format in your C implementation (likely IEEE-754 binary32) cannot represent that number. The closest numbers it can represent are −1.99999988079071044921875 and −2. Of those, −2 is closer to −1.999999940395355224609375 than −1.99999988079071044921875 is, so, when x0*x0*x0 - 3*x0 is calculated using float arithmetic, the result is −2. Then adding 2, the final step in the f macro, yields zero.

The calculation of f(z0) proceeds similarly, and then f(x0)/((3*f(x0))-(2*f(z0))) evaluates as 0 / (0-0), which yields a NaN.

You have two mathematical problems in the code, aside from various other issues. One is that your loop approaches a point where f(x0)/((3*f(x0))-(2*f(z0))) will be mathematically zero. At some point, the calculations in that loop will fail. I have not looked at the Ujevic method and do not know what the intent is here. At the very least, once ((3*f(x0))-(2*f(z0))) evaluates as zero, you cannot continue the loop anymore.

Second, fabs(xk-xt) >=0.000000000000000001), which you apparently intended to write instead of fabs(xk-xt>=0.000000000000000001) is futile with float variables using the common format for float whenb xk is near 1. In this format, the smallest different between two numbers just under 1 is 0.000000059604644775390625, which is much larger than 0.000000000000000001. It is therefore impossible for fabs(xk-xt) to be smaller than 0.000000000000000001 unless it is zero, meaning xk and xt are equal. Even if the variables used the format commonly used for double (IEEE-754 binary64), 0.000000000000000001 is smaller than the smallest difference representable in numbers just under 1. You need a larger bound in this test, or you need to ensure the loop will always converge to identical xk and xt.

CodePudding user response:

There are multiple problems in your code:

  • the return type of main is int, not void.

  • you should use type double instead of float: the limited precision of type float causes errors with your computation.

  • the test while(fabs(xk - xt >= 0.000000000000000001)) is incorrect. You probably mean:

      while (fabs(xk - xt) >= 0.000000000000000001)
  • the argument x in the expansion of macros f(x) and g(x) should be parenthesized to avoid operator precedence issues when passing non trivial expressions as macro arguments.

Here is a modified version:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define f(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)-3*(x) 2)
#define g(x) (3*(x)*(x)-3)

int main() {
    double a, b, x0, xk, z0, xt, y;
    int i = 0;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of a: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &a) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of b: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &b) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of x0: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &x0) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of Alpha: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &y) != 1)
        return 1;
    do {
        xt = x0;
        z0 = x0 - y * (f(x0) / g(x0));
        xk = x0   4 * (z0 - x0) * (f(x0) / ((3 * f(x0)) - (2 * f(z0))));
        x0 = xk;
        i  ;
    } while (fabs(xk - xt) >= 1.0e-18);
    printf("The value of root is: %f\n", xk);
    printf("the number of iterations is %d\n", i);
    return 0;

The output is still nan:

Enter The Value Of a: 0.5
Enter The Value Of b: 1.2
Enter The Value Of x0: 0.5
Enter The Value Of Alpha: 0.1
The value of root is: nan
the number of iterations is 101

Using the more precise type long double, there are more iterations, but still the same nan output:

Enter The Value Of a: 0.5
Enter The Value Of b: 1.2
Enter The Value Of x0: 0.5
Enter The Value Of Alpha: 0.1
The value of root is: nan
the number of iterations is 119

Your algorithm fails because (3 * f(x0) - 2 * f(z0)) becomes zero before the xt and xk get closer than 1.0e-18.

Adding a sanity test if (3 * f(x0) - 2 * f(z0) == 0) break; and initializing xk = x0; before the loop gives this output:

Enter The Value Of a: 0.5
Enter The Value Of b: 1.2
Enter The Value Of x0: 0.5
Enter The Value Of Alpha: 0.1
The value of root is: 1.000000
the number of iterations is 100

Note that the convergence test is incorrect: fabs(xk - xt) >= 1.0e-18 tests the absolute difference, not the relative difference. You should instead use something like:

   while (fabs(xk - xt) / fmax(fabs(xk), fabs(xt)) >= 1.0e-8);

Here is an updated version that does converge in fewer than 100 iterations, ie: before the sanity test kicks:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define f(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)-3*(x) 2)
#define g(x) (3*(x)*(x)-3)

int main() {
    double a, b, x0, xk, z0, xt, y;
    int i = 0;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of a: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &a) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of b: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &b) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of x0: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &x0) != 1)
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter The Value Of Alpha: ");
    if (scanf("%lf", &y) != 1)
        return 1;
    xk = x0;
    do {
        xt = x0;
        z0 = x0 - y * (f(x0) / g(x0));
        if (3 * f(x0) - 2 * f(z0) == 0)
        xk = x0   4 * (z0 - x0) * (f(x0) / ((3 * f(x0)) - (2 * f(z0))));
        x0 = xk;
        i  ;
    } while (fabs(xk - xt) / fmax(fabs(xk), fabs(xt)) >= 1.0e-8);
    printf("The value of root is: %f\n", xk);
    printf("the number of iterations is %d\n", i);
    return 0;


Enter The Value Of a: 0.5
Enter The Value Of b: 1.2
Enter The Value Of x0: 0.5
Enter The Value Of Alpha: 0.1
The value of root is: 1.000000
the number of iterations is 88
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