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Parsing a vector of maps and filtering based on keys types


I have a vector of maps, and I am trying to parse this maps into a string which will be used in a raw SQL query.

(def params [{:fieldName "salary" :comparator "greater" :inputValue "10000" :inputType "number"}
             {:fieldName "name" :comparator "include" :inputValue "Ros" :inputType "text"}
             {:fieldName "start_date" :comparator "between" :inputValue "2022-01-01" :maxInputValue "2022-06-01" :inputType "date"}])

What I need to extract from each map is that based on the type of :comparator and :fieldName I create a strinng and once I have parsed them all, put all the strings in one string. Each fieldName will be repeated only once in the vector. I have written something below but I am trying to do it better, plus it is only for one type which will make it longer and more difficult to read for all the comparator and fieldName

(defn convert
  (cond-> nil
    (= "equal" (->> params
                    (filter #(= (:fieldName %) "salary"))
                    (:comparator))) (conj " AND salary= ?")
    (= "not-equal" (->> params
                      (filter #(= (:fieldName %) "salary"))
                      (:comparator))) (conj " AND salary!= ?")
    (= "greater" (->> params
                      (filter #(= (:fieldName %) "salary"))
                      (:comparator))) (conj " AND salary > ?")))

I want to have somthing like this

"AND salary > ? 
 AND name LIKE 'Ros%'
 AND start BETWEEN between '2022-01-01' AND '2022-06-01' "

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure about all options you want to have here, so this is my first try (note that I changed names to kebab-case):

(def params [{:field-name "salary" :comparator "greater" :input-value "10000" :input-type "number"}
             {:field-name "name" :comparator "include" :input-value "Ros" :input-type "text"}
             {:field-name "start-date" :comparator "between" :input-value "2022-01-01" :max-input-value "2022-06-01" :input-type "date"}])

(defn convert [params]
  (->> (for [{:keys [field-name comparator input-value max-input-value input-type]} params]
         (->> (condp = input-type
                "number" [field-name ({"greater" ">" "less" "<" "equal" "=" "not-equal" "!="} comparator) input-value]
                "text" [field-name ({"include" "LIKE"} comparator) (str "'%" input-value "%'")]
                "date" [field-name ({"between" "BETWEEN"} comparator) (str "'" input-value "'") "AND" (str "'" max-input-value "'")])
              (str/join " ")))
       (str/join " AND ")))

(convert params)
=> "salary > 10000 AND name LIKE '%Ros%' AND start-date BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-06-01'"
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