I have a class with a few methods such as :
class Module:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.finite_state_machine = None
def fsm(self, call_stack, module_name):
# returns the finite state machine of a given module
def reading_file(path="default_path"):
# opens and reads a file, return a list of line used for the next method
def modules_dictionnary(self, lines):
# returns the dictionnary of the modules
def message_stack(lines, modules_dictionnary):
# returns the call_stack the fsm method needs
The thing is I'm getting confused with methods, self
keyword, classmethods, staticmethods etc
I would like for each class object say m = Module('Alpha')
to have :
- a name (different for each object)
- a module dictionnary and a call_stack (shared among each object of this class
- a finite state machine (different for each object)
I tried running this in the builder : self.fsm = self.fsm(message_stack(reading_file(), modules), modules_dictionary(reading_file()))
but it doesn't seem to work. I think I'm missing smething on the role of attributes and methods etc
CodePudding user response:
You can initialise dictionary and a call_stack in init function. They will be shared among all the objects of class. And for different value for each object you can create setter functions for name and final state machine and call them with required value. Something like this:
class Module:
def __init__(self, dictionary, call_state):
self.dictionary = dictionary
self.call_state = call_state
self.finite_state_machine = None
self.name = None
def set_name(self, name):
self.name = name
def set_fsm(self, fsm):
self.finite_state_machine = fsm
dict_v = {}
call_state = ""
obj = Module(dict_v, call_state)
CodePudding user response:
This answer sets the focus on the definition of the dictionary on class level.
class Module:
dictionary = {}
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def add_to_dictionary(self, key, value):
Module.dictionary[key] = value
m1 = Module('a')
m1.add_to_dictionary('Monty', 'Python')
m2 = Module('b')
This will give you {'Monty': 'Python'}
You could even drop the add_to_dictionary
m2.dictionary['Eric'] = 'Idle'
# let's look at the content
With the result
{'Monty': 'Python', 'Eric': 'Idle'}
{'Monty': 'Python', 'Eric': 'Idle'}