I've got a struct with two fields, for example:
struct testStruct
Q_PROPERTY(QString text MEMBER m_text);
Q_PROPERTY(QString value MEMBER m_value);
QString m_text;
QString m_value;
There is a QList<testStruct> m_testStructs
member of my "AppEngine" class exposed to QML via
Q_PROPERTY(QList<testStruct> testStructs READ testStructs NOTIFY testStructsChanged)
It is filled like that:
testStruct newStruct1, newStruct2;
newStruct1.m_text = "text1";
newStruct1.m_value = "value1";
newStruct2.m_text = "text2";
newStruct2.m_value = "value2";
m_testStructs << newStruct1 << newStruct2;
So I want to see "text" members in ComboBox list and use "value" members in further operations.
In fact QML ComboBox popup shows me the list of objects names when I set ComboBox's "textRole" property to "text" and "valueRole" to "value", but it does nothing for "currentText" or "currentValue" properties when I click the item, only "currentIndex" changes. Also "displayText" remains blank.
This is what I get in console when clicking those items:
qml: currentIndex: 0; currentText: ; currentValue: undefined
qml: currentIndex: 1; currentText: ; currentValue: undefined
So I see that ComboBox gets members of struct, but doesn't want to work with them. What should I do to make "currentText" and "currentValue" members of ComboBox work as they should?
Here are all the needed files:
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include "appengine.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
const QUrl url(u"qrc:/qml_testComboBoxStruct/main.qml"_qs);
QObject::connect(&engine, &QQmlApplicationEngine::objectCreated,
&app, [url](QObject *obj, const QUrl &objUrl) {
if (!obj && url == objUrl)
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
//exposing AppEngine class to QML
AppEngine appEngineObj;
QQmlContext *context = engine.rootContext();
context->setContextProperty("AppEngine", &appEngineObj);
return app.exec();
my custom class header AppEngine.h
#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
struct testStruct
Q_PROPERTY(QString text MEMBER m_text);
Q_PROPERTY(QString value MEMBER m_value);
QString m_text;
QString m_value;
class AppEngine : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QList<testStruct> testStructs READ testStructs NOTIFY testStructsChanged);
explicit AppEngine(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QList<testStruct> testStructs();
QList<testStruct> m_testStructs;
void testStructsChanged();
#endif // APPENGINE_H
my custom class cpp file AppEngine.cpp
#include "appengine.h"
AppEngine::AppEngine(QObject *parent)
: QObject{parent}
testStruct newStruct1, newStruct2;
newStruct1.m_text = "text1";
newStruct1.m_value = "value1";
newStruct2.m_text = "text2";
newStruct2.m_value = "value2";
m_testStructs << newStruct1 << newStruct2;
qDebug() << "m_testStructs.length():" << m_testStructs.length();
QList<testStruct> AppEngine::testStructs()
qDebug() << "testStructs()";
return m_testStructs;
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
Window {
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("C struct to QML ComboBox")
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 180
height: 30
id: comboBoxID
textRole: "text"
valueRole: "value"
model: AppEngine.testStructs
console.log('currentIndex:', currentIndex, '; currentText:', currentText, ';currentValue:', currentValue);
CodePudding user response:
As I checked in the main.qml
model property cant find and understand as you show it is undefined.
qml: currentIndex: 0; currentText: ; currentValue: undefined
qml: currentIndex: 1; currentText: ; currentValue: undefined