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fig.text in italic delete space in string how to avoid?


Why does the below code delete space when printed on figure fig ?

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
TestStr= "$* This is a Test$"
print(TestStr) # Returns : * This is a Test 
text = fig.text(0.30, 0.005, BoFaSpread,horizontalalignment='center', wrap=True)# Displays on fig : *ThisisaTest 

CodePudding user response:

All enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Because it is rendered as Markdown Math or Katex as inline math block.
Following is syntax for inline math block in markdown: $equation$
$* This is a Test$ in markdown will be *ThisisaTest hence there's no space.
You can use space as per markdown \> in your text. So you can do one of the following:

plt.title("$*This \> is \> Text*$") # \> will add space
plt.title("$\\it{This \> is \> Text}$") # \it is markdown function for italic text

And you can also passed keyword arg of fontstyle="italic" also

plt.title("This is Text", fontstyle="italic")

I hope this solved your issue.

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