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System. ArgumentException: "does not support key word:" initialcatalog "."


Teacher to write a book management, edit public variables, after debugging wrote the third form began to appear in this problem, then progress update location in the books, how should change?
 class DataAccess 
Private static string ConnectString="Data Source=localhost; InitialCatalog=the Book; Integrated Security=true ";
///& lt; summary>
///according to the name of the table to get the data sets of tables
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="table" & gt;
///& lt; Returns>
Public static DataTable GetDataSetByTableName (string table)
Using (SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConnectString))
String SQL="select * from" + "" + table;
SqlDataAdapter adapter=new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);
The DataSet ds=new DataSet ();
Adapter. The Fill (ds, "table");
Return the ds. Tables [0];
The catch (SqlException ex)
//exception handling
Throw new Exception (ex. Message);
///& lt; summary>
///according to the SQL statement to get the data object
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="SQL" & lt;/param>
///& lt; Returns>
Public static DataTable GetDataSetBySql (string SQL)
Using (SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConnectString))
//create a database connection object
SqlDataAdapter adapter=new SqlDataAdapter (SQL, con);//create the adapter object
The DataSet ds=new DataSet ();//create data collection object
Adapter. The Fill (ds);//fill data set
Return the ds. Tables [0];//return data set

The catch (SqlException ex)
Throw new Exception (ex. Message);
///& lt; summary>
///according to object id value for the DataReader
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="id" & lt;/param>
///& lt; Returns>
Public static SqlDataReader GetDataReaderByID (int id)
Using (SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConnectString))
String SQL="slecet * from bookinfo where bookid=" + id;//Sql statement
SqlCommand comm=new SqlCommand (SQL, con);//create the Command object
Con. The Open ();//open the link
SqlDataReader reader=comm. ExecuteReader ();//create the DataReader object
Reader. The Read ();//read the data
Return the reader;//return the DataReader

The catch (SqlException ex)
Throw new Exception (ex. Message);

///& lt; summary>
///update the data
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="SQL" & gt;
///& lt; Returns>
Public static bool UpdataDataTable (string SQL)
Using (SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConnectString))
Con. The Open ();//open the link
SqlCommand comm=new SqlCommand (SQL, con);//create Commons object
If (comm. ExecuteNonQuery () & gt; 0)//update
return true;
The else
return false;
The catch (SqlException ex)
Throw new Exception (ex. Message);

///& lt; summary>
///update the database according to the data set and SQL statements
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="ds" & lt;/param>
///& lt; Param name="SQL" & lt;/param>
Public static void UpdateDataSet (DataSet ds, string SQL)
Using (SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection (ConnectString))
SqlDataAdapter adapter=new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con);//create an adapter
SqlCommandBuilder builder=new SqlCommandBuilder (adapter);//according to the adapter automatically generated form
Adapter. Update (ds, "table");
The catch (SqlException ex)
Throw new Exception (ex. Message);

CodePudding user response:

Without a space here?
"... ; Initial Catalog =the Book; . "
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