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How can I erase the value of my variable inside of a for loop in Java


for(i = 0; i<=timePassed; i  ) {
y = r * x * (1 - x)

So how do I reset the value of y every time the for loop loops so that i can assign a new value to it? I cannot wrap my head around it I have already tried to set y to 0 at the end of the loop right after printing y but that didnt seem to work. I also tried setting it to null but that gave me an error(?) I cannot understand why this is happening can someone please explain how to do this and what I did wrong?

CodePudding user response:

Are you able to update your code block to include ALL code from your class.java file? It would help us see what could be wrong, because from this code snippet, y is not saved outside of the loop, therefore for every iteration (cycle) of the loop it would be reset and re-assigned.

As someone else has said, the y value does not change at any time in the loop, as all variables used (other than y) are declared outside of the loop. This loop simply prints the same y value "timePassed" amount of times.

CodePudding user response:

Here's the code that you posted, including line numbers:

1.  for(i = 0; i<=timePassed; i  ) {
2.  y = r * x * (1 - x)
3.  System.out.println(y)

Here are various comments fixes:

  • Line 1: assume i is declared somewhere, like this: int i
  • Line 1: assume timePassed is declared somewhere and has a value set, like: int timePassed = 5;
  • Line 2: assume y is declared somewhere, like: int y;
  • Line 2: assume r and x are both declared somewhere, and have values set, like: int r = 1, x = 2;
  • Lines 2-3: need semicolons to terminate each line inside the loop: add ; at the end of each line
  • Line 4: add closing brace } to the "for" loop

Here is the code with those edits applied:

int timePassed = 5, y, r = 1, x = 2;
for (int i = 0; i <= timePassed; i  ) {
    y = r * x * (1 - x);

Running that code produces this output:


The output doesn't change. Why? Because the calculation to determine each new value of "y" is the same each time: r * x * (1 - x). Despite being inside a loop, and with i changing each iteration through the loop, i is not used in the calculation at all.

Here's an edit to the code, removing the entire "for" loop (and i), and it produces the same -2 value:

int y, r = 1, x = 2;
y = r * x * (1 - x);


To demonstrate that y is being set each time through the loop, here's a variation of the code (including output) where i is included in the calculation for y.

int timePassed = 5, y, r = 1, x = 2;
for (int i = 0; i <= timePassed; i  ) {
    y = r * x * (1 - x) * i;

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