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How do I assign Images to Sprites with pygame


I am struggling to give each sprite their own image in the code below and i cant seem to find a way to do it, if anyone could help it would be much appreciated. Thanks. (This is my first time using stack overflow so aplogies if the formating is messy or wrong) Also let me know if i should put in the text map file.

Code Below:

import pygame
from pygame import *
from pygame import mixer
import pygame.freetype
import time

SCREEN_SIZE = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 800, 640))
Map_border = (1000, 500)
GRAVITY = pygame.Vector2((0, 0.4))
STONE_IMAGE = pygame.image.load("stone.png")

class CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates):
    def __init__(self, target, world_size):
        self.target = target
        self.cam = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.world_size = world_size
        if self.target:

    def update(self, *args):
        if self.target:
            x = -self.target.rect.center[0]   SCREEN_SIZE.width / 2
            y = -self.target.rect.center[1]   SCREEN_SIZE.height / 2
            self.cam  = (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - self.cam) * 0.5
            self.cam.x = max(-(self.world_size.width - SCREEN_SIZE.width), min(0, self.cam.x))
            self.cam.y = max(-(self.world_size.height - SCREEN_SIZE.height), min(0, self.cam.y))

    def draw(self, surface):
        spritedict = self.spritedict
        surface_blit = surface.blit
        dirty = self.lostsprites
        self.lostsprites = []
        dirty_append = dirty.append
        init_rect = self._init_rect
        for spr in self.sprites():
            rec = spritedict[spr]
            newrect = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect.move(self.cam))
            if rec is init_rect:
                if newrect.colliderect(rec):
            spritedict[spr] = newrect
        return dirty

def main():
    Map = open("map.txt")
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE.size)
    pygame.display.set_caption("Good Luck")
    timer = pygame.time.Clock()

    platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
    player = Player(platforms, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
    level_width = Map_border[0] * TILE_SIZE
    level_height = Map_border[1] * TILE_SIZE
    entities = CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(player, pygame.Rect(0, 0, level_width, level_height))

    # build the map_border
    x = y = 0
    for row in Map:
        for col in row:
            if col == "P":
                PlatBasic((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "E":
                PlatExit((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "S":
                PlatSpeedH((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "M":
                PlatSpeedM((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "L":
                PlatSpeedL((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "N":
                PlatNorm((x, y), platforms, entities)
            if col == "J":
                PlatJump((x, y), platforms, entities)
            x  = TILE_SIZE
        y  = TILE_SIZE
        x = 0

    while 1:

        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == QUIT:
            if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE:


        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, color, pos, *groups):
        self.image = Surface((TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)

class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, platforms, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#5aa2e0"), pos)
        self.vel = pygame.Vector2((0, 0))
        self.onGround = False
        self.platforms = platforms
        self.speed = 8
        self.jump_strength = 10

    def update(self):
        pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        up = pressed[K_SPACE]
        left = pressed[K_LEFT]
        right = pressed[K_RIGHT]
        running = pressed[K_UP]

        if up:
            # only jump if on the ground
            if self.onGround: self.vel.y = -self.jump_strength
        if left:
            self.vel.x = -self.speed
        if right:
            self.vel.x = self.speed
        if running:
            self.vel.x *= 1.5
        if not self.onGround:
            # only accelerate with gravity if in the air
            self.vel  = GRAVITY
            # max falling speed
            if self.vel.y > 100: self.vel.y = 100
        if not (left or right):
            self.vel.x = 0
        # increment in x direction
        self.rect.left  = self.vel.x
        # do x-axis collisions
        self.collide(self.vel.x, 0, self.platforms)
        # increment in y direction
        self.rect.top  = self.vel.y
        # assuming we're in the air
        self.onGround = False;
        # do y-axis collisions
        self.collide(0, self.vel.y, self.platforms)

    def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms):
        for p in platforms:
            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p):
                if isinstance(p, PlatExit):

                if isinstance(p, PlatSpeedH):
                    self.speed = 50
                if isinstance(p, PlatSpeedM):
                    self.speed = 16
                if isinstance(p, PlatSpeedL):
                    self.speed = 5

                if isinstance(p, PlatNorm):
                    self.speed = 8
                    self.jump_strength = 10
                if isinstance(p, PlatJump):
                    self.jump_strength = 30

                if xvel > 0:
                    self.rect.right = p.rect.left
                if xvel < 0:
                    self.rect.left = p.rect.right
                if yvel > 0:
                    self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top
                    self.onGround = True
                    self.vel.y = 0
                if yvel < 0:
                    self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom

class PlatBasic(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#10eb93"), pos, *groups)

class PlatExit(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#c40c0c"), pos, *groups)

class PlatSpeedH(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class PlatSpeedM(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class PlatSpeedL(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class PlatNorm(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class PlatJump(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class PlatImmune(Entity):
    def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
        super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups)

class Music():

if __name__ == "__main__":


CodePudding user response:

In your child class for each sprite you want an image, you need to add a variable that holds the loaded image you want to display. Then, when you display that sprite, you just use that particular variable from the class.

class PlatBasic(Entity):
def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
self.image = pygame.image.load("PlatBasic.png").convert()
    super().__init__(Color("#10eb93"), pos, *groups)

Then when you wish to display it, you can just do:

x = PlatBasic((0,0))
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