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SQL Concatenate multiple rows after Case statement inside LEFT JOIN statement


I have separate tables

| AppID        | Desc | 
| 1            | App1 |
| 2            | App2 |

| CollateralID | Type  | AppID |
| 1            | Home  | 1     |
| 2            | Condo | 1     |
| 3            | Condo | 2     |

| TitleID | Address1 | Address2 | Address3 | CollateralID  |
| 1       | Add1a    | Add2a    | Add3a    |   1           |
| 2       | Add1b    | Add2b    | Null     |   2           |
| 3       | Add1c    | Add2c    | Null     |   3           |

Desired Results:
| AppID  | Desc | Type        | Complete Address |
| 1      | App1 | Home; Condo | Add1a   Add2a   Add3a; Add1b   Add2b |
| 2      | App2 | Condo       | Add1c   Add2c |

So far, this is only what I got

SELECT  app.AppID                       AS AppID,
        app.Desc                        AS Desc,
        details.type                    AS Type,
        details.compadd                 AS "Complete Address"

FROM    Table1    app
                    CASE WHEN tab2.Type = 'HOME' 
                         THEN tab3.Address1 || ' ' || tab3.Address2 || ' ' || tab3.Address3

                         WHEN tab2.Type = 'CONDO' 
                         THEN tab3.Address1 || ' ' || tab3.Address2 

                    END AS compadd      
            FROM  Table2 tab2 
            JOIN  Table3 tab3 ON tab2.CollateralID = tab3.CollateralID
            ) details ON app.AppdID = tab2.AppID

WHAT I AM MISSING and cannot understand how to apply:

How can I concatenate the Type and the Complete Address for an AppID as shown above?

Appreciate the help in advanced. Let me know if it isn't clear. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

First, you don't need a subquery to achieve what you need. Second, use upper() function to make sure you have the exact match

select app.AppID as AppID
    , app.Desc as "Desc"
    , tab2.type as "Type"
    , case 
        when upper(tab2.Type) = 'HOME'  
            then tab3.Address1 || ' ' ||  tab3.Address2 ||  ' ' ||  tab3.Address3
        when upper(tab2.Type) = 'CONDO'
            then tab3.Address1 ||  ' ' ||  tab3.Address2 end as "Complete Address"
from Table1 app
left join Table2 tab2 on tab2.AppID = app.AppID
left join Table3 tab3 on tab3.CollateralID = tab2.CollateralID

CodePudding user response:

You need to use GROUP BY clause with STRING_AGG function. like below

SELECT  app.AppID AS AppID, app.Desc AS Desc, details.type AS Type, details.compadd AS "Complete Address"
FROM    Table1    app
SELECT   tab2.AppID, STRING_AGG(tab2.Type,';') Type, 
THEN tab3.Address1 || ' ' || tab3.Address2 || ' ' || tab3.Address3
WHEN tab2.Type = 'CONDO' 
THEN tab3.Address1 || ' ' || tab3.Address2 
END,';') AS compadd      
FROM  Table2 tab2 
JOIN  Table3 tab3 ON tab2.CollateralID = tab3.CollateralID
Group By tab2.AppID
) details ON app.AppdID = details.AppID
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