Home > Net >  How can I determine which edges are part of simple paths between a vertex subset?
How can I determine which edges are part of simple paths between a vertex subset?



  • I have an undirected graph (with cycles) given by a list of edges.
  • I'm given a list/subset of vertices/nodes (example: [0, 9, 17] below), which I refer to as "important vertices".
  • I want to color each edge based on whether it is part of some simple path [1] between the important vertices. In the example below, I have colored the edges red if they are part of such a simple path, and blue otherwise.

Visualization of coloring result

[1]: a simple path means any vertex can appear at most once in the path.


  • Does this problem have a name?
  • Are there any existing algorithms that solve this problem?
  • What is the optimal time comlexity? My gut feeling tells me it might be possible to solve this by visiting every edge a constant number of times. Once you know whether an edge is part of a simple path or not, you probably don't need to visit it again.

What I've tried so far:

  • For every edge, perform a depth-first search in both directions to find out which important vertices are reachable through simple paths in both directions.

  • If either of the directions don't reach an important vertex, or only the single and same important vertex is reached in both directions, the edge will color itself blue - otherwise it will color itself red.

  • This almost works - but mistakenly colors the 15-16 edge red - and seems to scale really poorly, which is why I'm looking for a better way to do this.


  • Example graph.

    Any uncoloured edge forms a loop. If a loop has any edges that are red, re-colour it red, including the uncoloured edge. Go repeatedly through all the uncoloured edges until you cannot colour a loop red. Then, colour the remaining edges blue.


    I think this works; because the red edges are necessarily connected.

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