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How to replace multiple characters with one character in linq c#


We are trying to replace multiple character in property(string) that we query from database.

var list = _context.Users.Where(t => t.Enable).AsQueryable();
list = list.Where(t => t.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchValue));

Property Name should be without characters (.,-'). We have tryed:

list = list.Where(t => t.Name.ToLower().Replace(".","").Replace(",","").Replace("-","").Contains(searchValue));

and it works like this, but we don't wanna use replace multiple times.

Is there any other ways that works with IQuerable. Thanks.

CodePudding user response:

We have decided to do it in database,SQL, creating View like this:

SELECT Id,CreationDate, UserName =  REPLACE(TRANSLATE(Users.UserName, '_'',.-', '#####'), '#', '')
FROM Users;

and than we just do query on view, like this UserName is already without special characters.

CodePudding user response:

As in the comment of "aca", I think that in these cases it's better the use of a method instead a LINQ forced solution. I use a bit different extension method:

public static class StringExtends
    public static string RemoveChars(this string text, params char[] chars)
        var invalidChars = new HashSet<char>();
        foreach (var item in chars)

        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var letter in text)
            if (!invalidChars.Contains(letter))

        return builder.ToString();

My method allow you select the chars to remove. It must fill the hash but also do only one iteration in the string, instead of a multiple replacement.

If you want optimize a bit more, you can create other method only for your chars and fill invalidChars only once (must be a static variable).

With this method, you can solve your problem in this way:

list = list.Where(t => t.Name.RemoveChars('.', ',', '-').Contains(searchValue));

CodePudding user response:

Well, the first thing you want to do is add a column to your table called "CanonicalName"

Then your query becomes just:

var list = (from t in _context.Users
           where t.Enable && t.CanonicalName.Contains(searchValue)
           select t).ToList();

Now, you need to populate CanonicalName. Since you only have to do this once ever for each record, it doesn't have to be that efficient, but here goes:

public string Canonicalize(string str)
 var sb = new StringBuilder(str.Length);
 foreach(var c in str)
     if (c == '.' || 
         c == ',' ||
         c == '-')    // you may wish to add others
     c = Char.ToLower(c);
return sb.ToString();

UPDATE: Since people need everything spelled out...

 foreach(var u in _context.Users)
        u.CanonicalName = Canonicalize(u.Name);
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