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Plotting spatial-temporal model predictions


I have the following model for which i am trying to plot predictions so to analyse the spatial-temporal trends over the years of my data (2012-2014).

mod = gam(TB ~ offset(log(Population))   s(Indigenous, k = 10, bs = "cr")   s(Urbanisation, k = 10, bs = "cr")  
              s(Density, k = 10, bs = "cr")   Poverty   s(Poor_Sanitation, k = 10, bs = "cr")   Unemployment   Timeliness  
              as.factor(Year)   Region   s(lon, lat), 
              data = TBdata, 
              family = nb(link = 'log'))

Currently I have used the following code to plot my model but this doesn't give me temporal trends (just one plot not split by year), i also think this is just plotting my smooth function of lon and lat. If anyone knows how to correctly plot the predictions of this model so i can get the spatial-temporal trends that would be great (ggplot preferred by any method is fine).

my current plot

plot(mod, contour.col = 'white', too.far = 0.10, scheme = 2, rug = F)


enter image description here

data snipet

TBdata %>% as.data.frame()
    Indigenous Illiteracy Urbanisation   Density  Poverty Poor_Sanitation Unemployment Timeliness Year   TB Population Region       lon         lat
1   0.33498668   6.354471     84.10664 0.7135083 31.27839       15.269975     5.411208   59.23954 2012  323     559543  11001 -60.67326 -12.1375562
2   6.44677661   8.493550     71.36292 0.7429604 48.59763       29.364664     5.916373   58.06452 2012   15      73193  11002 -64.02859  -9.4315409
3   0.16009349  10.211680     66.96757 0.6638205 42.28298       31.923537     4.084887   88.65248 2012   47     176003  11003 -62.35638 -10.6366765
4   0.54930178  10.294286     68.67525 0.5951172 38.89858       28.534552     5.497259   75.15528 2012   45     294157  11004 -64.09781 -11.6949147
5   0.31773624  11.418378     42.84595 0.6385168 51.57131       48.406288     4.035860   58.33333 2012   17      69841  11005 -61.21610 -13.1534602
6   1.02317144  10.267994     66.49738 0.5946587 39.10929       29.287196     5.578758   69.31818 2012   66     228654  11006 -61.68878 -11.9327327
7   0.82154405   7.811040     82.75737 0.5927965 31.71298       12.124683     6.040940   88.76404 2012   24     136730  11007 -62.56662  -9.6590901
8   0.11125568  11.782911     65.34103 0.5550268 40.84772       29.258613     5.059368   41.17647 2012    5      51890  11008 -62.88370 -11.6058899
9   3.26071252  22.840871     57.55142 1.0104743 60.54176       32.830252     6.722286   50.00000 2012   59     135803  12001 -71.12488  -8.6984193
10  8.27981067  32.395581     51.29996 1.2319246 65.52161       44.536382     4.761273   45.00000 2012   13      76221  12002 -69.65906  -9.6142587
11  7.81641388  26.125845     63.67133 1.0323498 58.63709       35.371653     7.526261   58.33333 2012   13      52651  12003 -67.92047  -9.9827217
12  0.18487825  11.014522     83.02779 0.7966288 42.60303       11.748025     8.647023   31.61616 2012  246     433224  12004 -72.86194  -8.2736825
13  1.23080070  19.107763     66.32175 0.8262261 55.68908       28.966361     5.895377   70.90909 2012   19      60887  12005 -69.15972 -10.7140791
14 50.64622783  23.387271     48.26342 1.4629935 48.07222       45.458143     7.683733   36.09023 2012   48      99826  13001 -65.46983  -4.0204889
15 10.04667257  21.056304     48.48717 1.5299792 72.38631       47.042878    15.439268    0.00000 2012    0      25044  13002 -59.92364  -1.5879241
16 27.62278330  21.747460     58.06581 1.4155145 70.70161       39.524745     6.358736   43.02326 2012  103     231482  13003 -65.13166  -0.3415058
17  4.30755994  33.107526     62.22066 1.1412305 72.10023       40.095659     6.539286   48.36066 2012   42     131695  13004 -65.10241  -7.1406849
18  3.01262696  15.785024     74.05870 1.2235418 66.95602       20.833828     5.363723   30.39216 2012   43      87520  13005 -58.19999  -2.9087320
19  0.94701077  18.122909     60.82228 1.1627655 66.90984       35.127488     9.134779   39.74359 2012   46     156671  13006 -60.24980  -3.3062838
 20  0.65529611   4.908563     93.81673 0.8593049 41.11021        4.893957    10.483849   75.53917 2012 1829    2106861  13007 -60.54443  -6.6830480
21  1.35932242   9.200504     47.65380 0.8861087 55.57790       37.740240    10.428850   50.00000 2012   32      55600  13008 -68.71086  -5.9785253
22  0.64001789   9.758551     60.98325 1.1415410 67.23815       30.632589     8.406879   59.20398 2012   51     156384  13009 -67.55678  -1.8679793
23  5.00288446   8.046211     57.06692 1.2392834 73.76746       35.573960     7.824595   45.21452 2012   77     248506  13010 -58.56150  -3.1484377
24  5.98590106  27.766366     58.63355 1.1346604 71.10207       39.876155     8.986358   46.00000 2012   22      49500  13011 -63.22067  -4.1223522
25  7.64428333  29.406475     59.70856 1.0691215 70.59885       42.578621     6.897342   54.79452 2012   12      70911  13012 -68.14551  -8.1089091
26  6.27901221  16.298789     54.29879 1.1055992 65.44075       42.302509     8.442431   40.58824 2012   56     170985  13013 -69.69795  -4.7593017
27  8.39040188   8.206571     89.95105 0.7979057 38.37151        6.075713     7.358698   64.10891 2012   91     334076  14001 -60.49593   0.3182771
28 44.71062619  17.073994     22.33634 1.3535825 57.66587       48.465597     9.245283   53.84615 2012   11      44023  14002 -60.24954   3.4039662
29  6.18822518  18.247396     57.11455 0.9473904 53.79555       32.518013     8.424442   40.00000 2012    7      43635  14003 -61.74950   1.4791942
30  2.83585991  13.326820     50.54670 0.8424786 56.25717       31.095345     6.860730   68.75000 2012   12      47790  14004 -62.22345   3.4860616
31  2.09288322  10.842066     53.12386 1.1715843 70.29388       31.457975     7.813915   46.47887 2012   40     189429  15001 -49.92266  -4.5450924
32  0.63918534  10.374821     60.78618 0.9561001 62.77747       27.277026     7.956556   43.20988 2012  131     492734  15002 -48.68255  -2.5733129
33  1.21355631  17.414926     51.12920 1.2375818 65.28844       36.654216     8.156438   56.09756 2012   14      69092  15003 -51.95188  -7.4381955
34  0.01616554  28.968886     38.94816 1.6750609 77.88347       57.851494     9.060787   54.28571 2012   22     135041  15004 -54.65470  -1.8714902
35  0.03968371  24.890572     42.31165 1.4990517 75.79085       55.581917     7.924278   63.28125 2012   38     209923  15005 -47.77654  -0.8198963
36  0.04052552  13.905926     48.69076 1.1558360 71.62642       38.544809     8.836839   43.43434 2012   36     158333  15006 -49.59232  -7.1006744
37  0.16146379   3.754233     94.76295 0.7778492 40.30134        2.661756    10.683572   62.49457 2012 1880    2185084  15007 -51.01589  -2.1353053
38  0.08202806   9.219135     75.28922 0.8238219 57.50873       14.657248     8.974412   52.50836 2012  185     305405  15008 -50.15950  -6.3840531
39  0.05947901  11.416480     53.22522 0.9225446 67.27691       15.432007     6.932257   37.11656 2012  110     251888  15009 -48.05151  -3.8479350
40  0.08125090  17.971794     56.30766 0.8787671 69.37043       25.782833     7.573189   36.34204 2012  131     390863  15010 -56.87939  -0.1044528
41  0.03864606  13.744725     49.50903 1.2463430 74.00576       42.667051     7.309062   75.55556 2012  101     449907  15011 -49.66102  -5.6414827
42  0.23364324  17.398443     49.76983 1.1178318 68.50080       36.631718     9.384440   55.00000 2012   88     299079  15012 -56.42347  -6.4524857
43  0.23725366  22.500687     38.31865 0.9708972 74.23657       39.255409     5.860432   49.11504 2012   81     441719  15013 -47.18900  -2.0744028
44  4.24519522  15.341410     56.05853 0.8841889 56.77666       32.751180     6.477704   34.27419 2012   72     240165  15014 -50.37440  -0.8876770
45  1.87527384  16.205226     58.56287 0.8116198 54.69351       38.918163     5.465688   56.88073 2012   67     283554  15015 -50.19400  -8.7018861
46  0.52965071  16.844620     67.98471 0.8407914 62.00125       27.628233     9.747115   60.46512 2012   68     340793  15016 -48.03117  -1.3843356
47  0.67886709  16.821733     71.07965 0.8295509 59.87976       19.369363    10.857736   67.46411 2012   71     306994  15017 -49.53206  -2.3657026
48  2.54441144  12.853355     57.68736 0.8028324 50.58523       36.205599     7.418385   57.42574 2012   50     177935  15018 -47.07320  -1.1491093
49  0.51103595  10.931050     75.61964 0.7753638 45.60888       17.048489    10.320373   54.72441 2012   66     271172  15019 -48.49396  -1.3613721
50  0.18999389  13.147962     74.79087 0.7868254 50.54423       19.089217     9.036023   66.66667 2012   85     295238  15020 -49.36448  -0.5230343
51  0.50384846  14.530229     75.98996 0.6910516 50.60517       22.919049     7.678848   57.22222 2012   54     185608  15021 -53.35841  -5.6680040

CodePudding user response:

Producing the smoothed map from a gam is a complex affair, so it's probably best to use the data wrangling that takes place inside plot.gam - helpfully, this actually return data that we can use to plot in whichever way we like.

First we load your workspace and appropriate packages



Next we split your data into year groups and carry out your gam on each. We then store the data output of the plot for each of the three years and convert it into a data frame. The resulting data frames are bound together into a single large data frame:

df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(TBdata, TBdata$Year), function(x) {
            p <- plot(gam(TB ~ offset(log(Population))   
            s(Indigenous, k = 10, bs = "cr")   
            s(Urbanisation, k = 10, bs = "cr")  
            s(Density, k = 10, bs = "cr")   
            s(Poor_Sanitation, k = 10, bs = "cr")   
            s(lon, lat), 
              data = x, 
              family = nb(link = 'log')),
            contour.col = 'white', too.far = 0.10, scheme = 2, rug = F)[[5]]
            df <- expand.grid(lon = p$x, lat = p$y)
            df$TB <- p$fit[,1]
            df$Year <- x$Year[1]

Having the data in this format makes the plot itself easy using ggplot:

ggplot(df, aes(lon, lat, z = TB, fill = TB))  
  geom_contour(color = "white", na.rm = TRUE)  
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = c("red", "yellow", "white"),
                       values = c(0, 0.9, 1),
                       na.value = "white")  
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16)

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