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WebService service under Windows Java httpPost call is normal, the Linux with failure


WebService service under Windows Java httpPost call is normal, the Linux with failure at 500 wrong

Java. Lang. RuntimeException: Java. Lang. RuntimeException: 500: Internal Server Error

StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer ();
Sb. Append (" & lt; Soapenv: Envelope XMLNS: soapenv=\ \ "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" XMLNS: tem=\ \ "http://tempuri.org/" & gt;" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Soapenv: Header/& gt;" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Soapenv: Body>" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Tem: "+ action + & gt;" " );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Tem: carrCd> JD" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Tem: isEncrypt> False" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Tem: guid>" ). Append (guid). Append (" & lt;/tem: guid>" );
Sb. Append (" & lt; Tem: requestData>" ), append (MSG). Append (" & lt;/tem: requestData>" );
Sb. Append (" & lt;/tem: "+ action + & gt;" " );
Sb. Append (" & lt;/soapenv: Body>" );
Sb. Append (" & lt;/soapenv: Envelope>" );
HttpClient client=new HttpClient ();
PostMethod PostMethod=new PostMethod (soapBindingAddress);
//3. Set the request parameter
PostMethod. SetRequestBody (sb. ToString ());
//postMethod. The setParameter (" mobileCode "mobileCode);
//postMethod. The setParameter (" userID ", userID);
//modify request head
PostMethod. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "text/XML. charset=utf-8");
//4. Execute the request, the result code
Int code=client. ExecuteMethod (postMethod);
//5. Get the results
The String result="";
If (code==200) {
Result=postMethod. GetResponseBodyAsString ();
Result=parseXml (new ByteArrayInputStream (result. GetBytes ()));
Logger. The info (" httpPost code="+ code +", "+ result);

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