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How to efficiently check if read line from Buffered reader contains a string from an enum list


I am a computer science university student working on my first 'big' project outside of class. I'm attempting to read through large text files (2,000 - 3,000 lines of text), line by line with buffered reader. When a keyword from a list of enums is located, I want it to send the current line from buffered reader to its appropriate method to be handled appropriatley.

I have a solution, but I have a feeling in my gut that there is a much better way to handle this situation. Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Current Solution I am looping through the the list of enums, then checking if the current enum's toString return is in the current line from buffered reader using the String.contains method. If the enum is located, the enum is used in a switch statement for the appropriate method call. (I have 13 total cases just wanted to keep the code sample short).

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile.getAbsoluteFile()))){

    while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        for (GameFileKeys gameKey : GameFileKeys.values()) {
            if (currentLine.contains(gameKey.toString())) {
                switch (gameKey) {
                    case SEAT -> seatAndPlayerAssignment(currentTableArr, currentLine);
                    case ANTE -> playerJoinLate(currentLine);

Previous Solution Originally, I had a nasty list of if statements checking if the current line contained one of the keywords and then handled it appropriatley. Clearly that is far from optimal, but my gut tells me that my current solution is also less than optimal.

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile.getAbsoluteFile()))){

    while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            seatAndPlayerAssignment(currentTableArr, currentLine);
        else if(currentLine.contains(GameFileKey.ANTE){

Enum Class In case you need this, or have any general feedback for how I'm implementing my enums.

public enum GameFileKeys {
    ANTE("posts ante"),
    SEAT("Seat ");

    private final String gameKey;

    GameFileKeys(String str) {
        this.gameKey = str;

    public String toString() {
        return gameKey;

CodePudding user response:

I cannot improve over the core of your code: the looping on values() of the enum, performing a String#contains for each enum object’s string, and using a switch. I can make a few minor suggestions.

I suggest you not override the toString method on your enum. The Object#toString method is generally best used only for debugging and logging, not logic or presentation.

Your string passed to constructor of the enum is likely similar to the idea of a display name commonly seen in such enums. The formal enum name (all caps) is used internally within Java, while the display name is used for display to the user or exchanged with external systems. See the Month and DayOfWeek enums as examples offering a getDisplayName method.

Also, an enum should be named in the singular. This avoids confusion with any collections of the enum’s objects.

By the way, looks like you have a stray SPACE in your second enum's argument.

At first I thought it would help to have a list of all the display names, and a map of display name to enum object. However, in the end neither is needed for your purpose. I kept those as they might prove interesting.

public enum GameFileKey
    ANTE( "posts ante" ),
    SEAT( "Seat" );

    private String displayName = null;

    private static final List < String > allDisplayNames = Arrays.stream( GameFileKey.values() ).map( GameFileKey :: getDisplayName ).toList();
    private static final Map < String, GameFileKey > mapOfDisplayNameToGameFileKey = Arrays.stream( GameFileKey.values() ).collect( Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap( GameFileKey :: getDisplayName , Function.identity() ) );

    GameFileKey ( String str ) { this.displayName = str; }

    public String getDisplayName ( ) { return this.displayName; }

    public static GameFileKey forDisplayName ( final String displayName )
                        GameFileKey.mapOfDisplayNameToGameFileKey.get( displayName ) ,
                        "None of the "   GameFileKey.class.getCanonicalName()   " enum objects has a display name of: "   displayName   ". Message # 4dcefee2-4aa2-48cf-bf66-9a4bde02ac37." );

    public static List < String > allDisplayNames ( ) { return GameFileKey.allDisplayNames; }

You can use a stream of the lines of your file being processed. Just FYI, not necessarily better than your code.

public class Demo
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        Demo app = new Demo();

    private void demo ( )
            Path path = Demo.getFilePathToRead();
            Stream < String > lines = Files.lines( path );
                    line -> {
                        for ( GameFileKey gameKey : GameFileKey.values() )
                            if ( line.contains( gameKey.getDisplayName() ) )
                                switch ( gameKey )
                                    case SEAT -> this.seatAndPlayerAssignment( line );
                                    case ANTE -> this.playerJoinLate( line );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );

    private void playerJoinLate ( String line )
        System.out.println( "line = "   line );

    private void seatAndPlayerAssignment ( String line )
        System.out.println( "line = "   line );

    public static Path getFilePathToRead ( ) throws IOException
        Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile( "bogus" , ".txt" );
        Files.write( tempFile , "apple\nSeat\norange\nposts ante\n".getBytes() );
        return tempFile;

When run:

line = Seat

line = posts ante

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