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How do i send information from R to JS (Shiny) and use this information as UI?


I want to integrate a button in the header of my shinyapp (which acts as a news button). I want this button to contain information from my then used dataset, so that the user knows there is so-and-so's news (inspired by the way shinyDashboard::notificationItem() does this; just more customized). So I'm looking for a way to output the '5' in my app example as a character in the button, so that the button contains the text: 'News (5)'. Iam very new to JS so i dont know how to even paste 'News' '5'.

The button would then render some new UI with the actuall news, but that is for later.

Thanks for any help!


ui = navbarPage(title = "Dashboard", 

        type = 'num', function(message) {
          var ok = message
          var header = $('.navbar > .container-fluid');
          header.append('<div><input value = ok type = \"button\" class = \"btn action-button\"></div>');
server = function(input, output, session){
  session$sendCustomMessage(type = "num", message = 5)

shinyApp(ui, server)

CodePudding user response:

In JavaScript, one concatenates strings with .

        type = 'num', function(message) {
          var ok = 'News ('   message   ')';
          var header = $('.navbar > .container-fluid');
          header.append('<div><button class = \"btn btn-primary action-button\">'   ok   '</button></div>');

CodePudding user response:

you can also try something like this

ui <- navbarPage("Dashboard",
                 header = tags$script(
                   HTML("var header = $('.navbar > .container-fluid');
                        header.append('<div style=\"float:right; padding-top: 8px\"><button id=\"btn_top\" type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary action-button\" onclick=\"signIn()\">Show me</button></div>')")
                         radioButtons("select", "choose label", choices = 1:3, inline = T))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  observeEvent(input$select, {
    updateActionButton(session,"btn_top", label = paste0("News (", input$select, ")"))
  }, ignoreInit = T)


shinyApp(ui, server)
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