Home > Net >  Why is the output of my solution to PlusOne (LeetCode Problem) so different from what I expect?
Why is the output of my solution to PlusOne (LeetCode Problem) so different from what I expect?


I'm just starting out on LeetCode doing some of the 'easy' problems and I'm trying to solve a problem called 'PlusOne' where you're asked to do the following:

"You are given a large integer represented as an integer array digits, where each digits[i] is the i-th digit of the integer. The digits are ordered from most significant to least significant in left-to-right order. The large integer does not contain any leading 0's.

Increment the large integer by one and return the resulting array of digits."

Below is the solution I came up with. The input is digits = [1, 2, 3].

static int[] PlusOne(int[] digits)
    string digitsToString = string.Join(string.Empty, digits);
    int stringToInt = Convert.ToInt32(digitsToString);

    stringToInt  = 1;

    string outputString = stringToInt.ToString();

    int[] output = outputString.Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToArray();

    Tried this as well, but just got the same result

    char[] outputCharArr = stringToInt.ToString().ToCharArray();
    int[] output = Array.ConvertAll(outputCharArr, Convert.ToInt32);

    return output;

The expected output is [1, 2, 4], but what I get is [49, 50, 52]. I'm completely baffled as to why this the output I'm getting so if someone could explain it to me I'd be extremely appreciative!

CodePudding user response:

The problem was from here:

string outputString = stringToInt.ToString();

int[] output = outputString.Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToArray();

Which you are converting a char to int.

According to here, you will get the result of 49 when casting from a '1' (char) [Known as ASCII].

char int
'1' 49
'2' 50
'4' 52

If your int array with a guarantee with orders (smallest to largest), you can just update the last value of the array as below:

static int[] PlusOne(int[] digits)
    digits[digits.Length - 1]  = 1;
    return digits;

Sample .NET Fiddle

CodePudding user response:

Yong's answer will solve the problem you're having with your approach. Your solution will work up until a point but for very large numbers it will fail once you get out of range for a 32 bit integer.

Alternatively you can increment the digits like Yong hinted at, however you need to handle rolling over to "10" back to 0 and incrementing the previous digit, which is possibly one of the goals of the exercise.

public static int[] PlusOne(int[] digits)
    return incrementPosition(digits, digits.Length-1);

private static int[] incrementPosition(int[] digits, int position)
    if (position < 0 || position > digits.Length)
        throw new ArgumentException("Position falls outside of digit length.");

    if (digits[position] < 0 || digits[position] > 9)
        throw new ArgumentException($"The digit at position {position} was out of range.");

    digits[position]  ;
    if (digits[position] >= 10)
        digits[position] = 0;
        if (position > 0)
            digits = incrementPosition(digits, position - 1);
            int[] updatedDigits = new int[digits.Length   1];
            updatedDigits[0] = 1;
            digits.CopyTo(updatedDigits, 1);
            digits = updatedDigits;
    return digits;

This assumes that the array contains single-digit elements /w base-10 incrementing, and represents a positive value. There is a basic check for when a particular digit is incremented. This code handles when a digit rolls over, including when a "full" array (I.e. 9, 9, 9) rolls over, inserting a new digit converting 999 to 1000.

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