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How to use AutoMapper in Unit Tests


I can´t use AutoMapper in my Unit Test. It give me this error:

Missing map from Gemvest.Domain.Entities.Note to Gemvest.Application.Notes.Queries.GetById.GetByIdNoteDto. Create using CreateMap<Note, GetByIdNoteDto>.

But I added this in the test setup:

    public void SetUp(){
        var config = new MapperConfiguration(x => new MapperConfiguration(c =>
            c.CreateMap<Note, GetByIdNoteDto>();
        _mapper = config.CreateMapper();

Here is the code of unit test:

 public class GetByIdNoteQueryTest

    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
    private IMapper _mapper;
    private readonly ICurrentUserService _currentUserService;
    private readonly IDateTime _dateTime;
    public GetByIdNoteQueryTest()

        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;

        var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options, _currentUserService, _dateTime);
        _context = context;



    public void SetUp(){
        var config = new MapperConfiguration(x => new MapperConfiguration(c =>
            c.CreateMap<Note, GetByIdNoteDto>();
        _mapper = config.CreateMapper();
    public async Task ShouldGetNoteById()
        _context.Notes.Add(new Note
            Description = "test"

        var handler = new GetByIdNoteQueryHandler(_context, _mapper);

        var query = new GetByIdNoteQuery()
            Id = 1,
            UserId = 1

        var cltToken = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();

        var result = await handler.Handle(query, cltToken);

        Assert.AreEqual("test", result.Description);
        }catch(Exception exc){



Here is the code of the service to test:

public class GetByIdNoteQuery : IRequest<GetByIdNoteDto>
    public int UserId {get;set;}
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class GetByIdNoteQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetByIdNoteQuery, GetByIdNoteDto>
    private readonly IApplicationDbContext _context;
    private readonly IMapper _mapper;
    public GetByIdNoteQueryHandler(IApplicationDbContext context, IMapper mapper)
        _context = context;
        _mapper = mapper;

    public async Task<GetByIdNoteDto> Handle(GetByIdNoteQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)  
        var noteDB = await _context.Notes.Include(a => a.Proyect).Where(e => e.Id == request.Id).ProjectTo<GetByIdNoteDto>(_mapper.ConfigurationProvider).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
        if (noteDB == null || noteDB.Proyect.UserId != request.UserId)
            throw new NotFoundException($"Event with id {request.Id} not exist)");
        return noteDB;

Any idea? Thanks

CodePudding user response:

Your configure action of MapperConfiguration is wrong.

public void SetUp()
    var config = new MapperConfiguration(x =>
        x.CreateMap<Note, GetByIdNoteDto>();
    _mapper = config.CreateMapper();
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