Home > Net >  What to use in place of union in above query i wrote or more optimize query then my given query with
What to use in place of union in above query i wrote or more optimize query then my given query with


I am counting the birthdays , sales , order in all 12 months from customers table in SQL server like these

In Customers table birth_date ,sale_date, order_date are columns of the table

           select 1 as ranking,'Birthdays' as Type,[MONTH],TOTAL
              from ( select DATENAME(month, birth_date)   AS [MONTH],count(*) TOTAL
                     from customers 
                     group by DATENAME(month, birth_date)                                            


            select 2 as ranking,'sales' as Type,[MONTH],TOTAL
              from ( select DATENAME(month, sale_date)   AS [MONTH],count(*) TOTAL
                     from customers 
                     group by DATENAME(month, sale_date)                    

            select 3 as ranking,'Orders' as Type,[MONTH],TOTAL
             from ( select DATENAME(month, order_date)   AS [MONTH],count(*) TOTAL
                    from customers 
                    group by DATENAME(month, order_date)

And the output is like these(just dummy data)

ranking Type MONTH TOTAL
1 Birthdays January 12
1 Birthdays April 6
1 Birthdays May 10
2 Sales Febrary 8
2 Sales April 14
2 Sales May 10
3 Orders June 4
3 Orders July 3
3 Orders October 6
3 Orders December 17

I want to find count of these all these three types without using UNION and UNION ALL, means I want these data by single query statement (or more optimize version of these query)

CodePudding user response:

Here's one way, aggregating against the output of an UNPIVOT:

;WITH src(d, t, j) AS
         t = v.i,
  FROM dbo.Customers AS c
  UNPIVOT (d for col in ([birth_date],[sale_date],[order_date])) AS u
  CROSS APPLY (VALUES(1, 'birth_date', 'Birthdays'),
                     (2, 'sale_date',  'sales'),
                     (3, 'order_date', 'Orders')) AS v(i, h, j)
  WHERE u.col = v.h
SELECT ranking = t, 
       [Type]  = j,
       [MONTH] = d,
       [TOTAL] = COUNT(*)
FROM src GROUP BY t, j, d
ORDER BY ranking;

CodePudding user response:

Another approach is to create a CTE with all available ranking values ​​and use CROSS APPLY for it, as shown below.

WITH ranks(ranking) AS (
    SELECT * FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3)) v(r)
    CASE WHEN r.ranking = 1 THEN 'Birthdays'
         WHEN r.ranking = 2 THEN 'Sales'
         WHEN r.ranking = 3 THEN 'Orders'
    END AS Type,
    DATENAME(month, CASE WHEN r.ranking = 1 THEN c.birth_date
                         WHEN r.ranking = 2 THEN c.sale_date
                         WHEN r.ranking = 3 THEN c.order_date
                    END) AS MONTH,
FROM customers  c
GROUP BY r.ranking, 
         DATENAME(month, CASE WHEN r.ranking = 1 THEN c.birth_date
                              WHEN r.ranking = 2 THEN c.sale_date
                              WHEN r.ranking = 3 THEN c.order_date
ORDER BY r.ranking, MONTH
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