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the action can't be completed because the file is open in openjdk platform binary spring boot


Hey I'm trying to delete a image (file) but I can't :(

That how I upload the image:

 try {
            List<String> imagesPaths = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String image : imagesBytes)
                String base64Image = image.split(",")[1];
                byte[] imageByte = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64Image);
                String folder = "C:/images/"   LoggedInUser.UserId();
                File newDirectory = new File(folder);
                if (!newDirectory.exists())
                long timeMilli = new Date().getTime();
                String imageType = image.substring("data:image/".length(), image.indexOf(";base64"));
                String path = timeMilli   "."   imageType;
                Files.write(Paths.get(folder, path), imageByte);
                String newPath = LoggedInUser.UserId()   "/"   path;
            logger.debug("uploadImages() in ImageService Ended by  "   LoggedInUser.UserName());
            return new ResponseEntity<>(imagesPaths, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ApiRequestException(e.getMessage());

And this how I delete it :

    List<ImageJpa> images = imageRepository.findByStatus(Image.UNUSED.status);
    System.out.println(images.size()   ": Images are not used");
    images.forEach(image -> {
        String imagePath = "C:/images/"   image.getPath();
        File imagePathFile = new File(imagePath);
            if (imagePathFile.exists())
                boolean isDeleted = imagePathFile.delete();
                if (isDeleted)
                    System.out.println("Deleted the file: "   imagePathFile.getName());

                } else {System.out.println("Failed to delete the file. :"   imagePathFile.getName());}
            }else {
                System.out.println("Already Deleted");

Always I got (Failed to delete the file ...)

  • Note : The image will deleted if I ReRender the the project again or close and open the IDE.

CodePudding user response:

The problem was on other function :\

I was open the files after save it without CLOSE the connection after it !

This one what was messing on the read files

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